Open XML オブジェクト モデルを使用して Word 2007 ファイルを操作する (パート 3/3)
概要 : この記事は、Microsoft Office Word 2007 ファイルへのアクセスと操作に使用可能な Open XML オブジェクト モデル コードについて説明している 3 つの記事のシリーズの 3 番目にあたります。(16 印刷ページ)
Frank Rice、Microsoft Corporation
2007 年 9 月
適用対象 : Microsoft Office Word 2007
カスタム ドキュメント プロパティを設定する
2007 Microsoft Office system では、Office Open XML 形式と呼ばれる、XML に基づく新しいファイル形式が導入されています。Microsoft Office Word 2007、Microsoft Office Excel 2007、および Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 では、このファイル形式が既定のファイル形式として使用されます。Microsoft では、Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 テクノロジの一部として、System.IO.Packaging 名前空間でこれらのファイルにアクセスするためのライブラリを「Microsoft SDK for Open XML Formats テクノロジ プレビュー」に用意しています。Open XML オブジェクト モデルは System.IO.Packaging API を基盤として作成されており、Open XML ドキュメントを操作するための厳密に型指定されたパーツ クラスを備えています。ここでは、サンプル コードにより、Open XML オブジェクト モデルを使用して Word 2007 ファイルにアクセスおよび操作する方法を説明します。
カスタム ドキュメント プロパティを設定する
以下のコードでは、ドキュメントのカスタム プロパティの値を設定します。ドキュメントは、custom.xml パーツにあるカスタム プロパティを含む場合もあり、含まない場合もあります。このため、プロシージャは以下の処理を行います。
custom.xml パーツがドキュメントに存在しない場合は、それを追加します。
custom.xml パーツがドキュメントに存在し、プロパティが存在ない場合は、プロパティを追加します。
完了したら、プロシージャは操作が正常に完了したかどうかを示す Boolean 値を返します。
Public Enum PropertyTypes
End Enum
Public Function WDSetCustomProperty(ByVal docName As String, ByVal propertyName As String, ByVal propertyValue As Object, ByVal
propertyType As PropertyTypes) As Boolean
' Given a document name, a property name/value, and the property
' type, add a custom property to a document. Return true if the
' property is added/updated, or False if the property cannot be updated.
Const customPropertiesSchema As String = ""
Const customVTypesSchema As String = ""
Dim retVal As Boolean = False
Dim propertyTypeName As String = "vt:lpwstr"
Dim propertyValueString As String = Nothing
' Calculate the correct type.
Select Case (propertyType)
Case PropertyTypes.DateTime
propertyTypeName = "vt:filetime"
If (TypeOf propertyValue Is String) Then
propertyValueString = String.Format("{0:s}Z", Convert.ToDateTime(propertyValue))
End If
Case PropertyTypes.NumberInteger
propertyTypeName = "vt:i4"
If (TypeOf propertyValue Is Int32) Then
propertyValueString = Convert.ToInt32(propertyValue).ToString
End If
Case PropertyTypes.NumberDouble
propertyTypeName = "vt:r8"
If (TypeOf propertyValue Is Double) Then
propertyValueString = Convert.ToDouble(propertyValue).ToString
End If
Case PropertyTypes.Text
propertyTypeName = "vt:lpwstr"
propertyValueString = Convert.ToString(propertyValue)
Case PropertyTypes.YesNo
propertyTypeName = "vt:bool"
If (TypeOf propertyValue Is Boolean) Then
' Must be lowercase!
propertyValueString = Convert.ToBoolean(propertyValue).ToString.ToLower
End If
End Select
If (propertyValueString = Nothing) Then
' If the code cannot convert the
' property to a valid value, throw an exception.
Throw New InvalidDataException("Invalid parameter value.")
End If
Dim wdPackage As WordprocessingDocument = WordprocessingDocument.Open(docName, True)
' Work with the custom properties part.
Dim customPropsPart As CustomFilePropertiesPart = wdPackage.CustomFilePropertiesPart
' Manage namespaces to perform XML XPath queries.
Dim nt As NameTable = New NameTable
Dim nsManager As XmlNamespaceManager = New XmlNamespaceManager(nt)
nsManager.AddNamespace("d", customPropertiesSchema)
nsManager.AddNamespace("vt", customVTypesSchema)
Dim customPropsUri As Uri = New Uri("/docProps/custom.xml", UriKind.Relative)
Dim customPropsDoc As XmlDocument = Nothing
Dim rootNode As XmlNode = Nothing
' There may not be a custom properties part.
If (customPropsPart Is Nothing) Then
customPropsDoc = New XmlDocument(nt)
' The part does not exist. Create it now.
customPropsPart = wdPackage.AddCustomFilePropertiesPart
' Set up the rudimentary custom part.
rootNode = customPropsDoc.CreateElement("Properties", customPropertiesSchema)
rootNode.Attributes("xmlns:vt").Value = customVTypesSchema
' Load the contents of the custom properties part into an XML document.
customPropsDoc = New XmlDocument(nt)
rootNode = customPropsDoc.DocumentElement
End If
' Now that you have a reference to an XmlDocument object that
' corresponds to the custom properties part,
' check to see if the required property is already there.
Dim searchString As String = String.Format("d:Properties/d:property[@name='{0}']", propertyName)
Dim node As XmlNode = customPropsDoc.SelectSingleNode(searchString, nsManager)
Dim valueNode As XmlNode = Nothing
If (Not (node) Is Nothing) Then
' You found the node. Now check its type.
If node.HasChildNodes Then
valueNode = node.ChildNodes(0)
If (Not (valueNode) Is Nothing) Then
Dim typeName As String = valueNode.Name
If (propertyTypeName = typeName) Then
' The types are the same.
' Replace the value of the node.
valueNode.InnerText = propertyValueString
' If the property existed, and its type
' has not changed, you are finished.
retVal = True
' Types are different. Delete the node
' and clear the node variable.
node = Nothing
End If
End If
End If
End If
' The previous block of code may have cleared the value in the
' variable named node.
If (node Is Nothing) Then
' Either you did not find the node, or you
' found it, its type was incorrect, and you deleted it.
' Either way, you need to create the new property node now.
' Find the highest existing "pid" value.
' The default value for the "pid" attribute is "2".
Dim pidValue As String = "2"
Dim propertiesNode As XmlNode = customPropsDoc.DocumentElement
If propertiesNode.HasChildNodes Then
Dim lastNode As XmlNode = propertiesNode.LastChild
If (Not (lastNode) Is Nothing) Then
Dim pidAttr As XmlAttribute = lastNode.Attributes("pid")
If Not (pidAttr Is Nothing) Then
pidValue = pidAttr.Value
' Increment pidValue, so that the new property
' gets a pid value one higher. This value should be
' numeric, but you should confirm that.
Dim value As Integer = 0
If Integer.TryParse(pidValue, value) Then
pidValue = Convert.ToString((value + 1))
End If
End If
End If
End If
node = customPropsDoc.CreateElement("property", customPropertiesSchema)
node.Attributes("name").Value = propertyName
node.Attributes("fmtid").Value = "{D5CDD505-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}"
node.Attributes("pid").Value = pidValue
valueNode = customPropsDoc.CreateElement(propertyTypeName, customVTypesSchema)
valueNode.InnerText = propertyValueString
retVal = True
End If
' Save the properties XML back to its part.
Return retVal
End Function
public enum PropertyTypes
public static bool WDSetCustomProperty(string docName, string propertyName, object propertyValue, PropertyTypes propertyType)
// Given a document name, a property name/value, and the property type, add a custom property
// to a document. Return True if the property was added/updated, or False if the property cannot be updated.
// The function's return value is true if the code could add/update the property,
// and false otherwise.
const string customPropertiesSchema = "";
const string customVTypesSchema = "";
bool retVal = false;
string propertyTypeName = "vt:lpwstr";
string propertyValueString = null;
// Calculate the correct type.
switch (propertyType)
case PropertyTypes.DateTime:
propertyTypeName = "vt:filetime";
// Make sure you were passed a real date,
// and if so, format in the correct way. The date/time
// value passed in should represent a UTC date/time.
if (propertyValue.GetType() == typeof(System.String))
propertyValueString = string.Format("{0:s}Z", Convert.ToDateTime(propertyValue));
case PropertyTypes.NumberInteger:
propertyTypeName = "vt:i4";
if (propertyValue.GetType() == typeof(System.Int32))
propertyValueString = Convert.ToInt32(propertyValue).ToString();
case PropertyTypes.NumberDouble:
propertyTypeName = "vt:r8";
if (propertyValue.GetType() == typeof(System.Double))
propertyValueString = Convert.ToDouble(propertyValue).ToString();
case PropertyTypes.Text:
propertyTypeName = "vt:lpwstr";
propertyValueString = Convert.ToString(propertyValue);
case PropertyTypes.YesNo:
propertyTypeName = "vt:bool";
if (propertyValue.GetType() == typeof(System.Boolean))
// IMPORTANT: This value must be lowercase.
propertyValueString = Convert.ToBoolean(propertyValue).ToString().ToLower();
if (propertyValueString == null)
// If the code cannot convert the
// property to a valid value, throw an exception.
throw new InvalidDataException("Invalid parameter value.");
using (WordprocessingDocument wdPackage = WordprocessingDocument.Open(docName, true))
// This part is working with the custom properties part.
CustomFilePropertiesPart customPropsPart = wdPackage.CustomFilePropertiesPart;
// You must manage namespaces to perform XML XPath queries.
NameTable nt = new NameTable();
XmlNamespaceManager nsManager = new XmlNamespaceManager(nt);
nsManager.AddNamespace("d", customPropertiesSchema);
nsManager.AddNamespace("vt", customVTypesSchema);
Uri customPropsUri = new Uri("/docProps/custom.xml", UriKind.Relative);
XmlDocument customPropsDoc = null;
XmlNode rootNode = null;
// There may not be a custom properties part.
if (customPropsPart == null)
customPropsDoc = new XmlDocument(nt);
// The part does not exist. Create it now.
customPropsPart = wdPackage.AddCustomFilePropertiesPart();
// Set up the rudimentary custom part.
rootNode = customPropsDoc.CreateElement("Properties", customPropertiesSchema);
rootNode.Attributes["xmlns:vt"].Value = customVTypesSchema;
// Load the contents of the custom properties part into an XML document.
customPropsDoc = new XmlDocument(nt);
rootNode = customPropsDoc.DocumentElement;
// Now that you have a reference to an XmlDocument object that
// corresponds to the custom properties part,
// check to see if the required property is already there.
string searchString = string.Format("d:Properties/d:property[@name='{0}']", propertyName);
XmlNode node = customPropsDoc.SelectSingleNode(searchString, nsManager);
XmlNode valueNode = null;
if (node != null)
// You found the node. Now check its type.
if (node.HasChildNodes)
valueNode = node.ChildNodes[0];
if (valueNode != null)
string typeName = valueNode.Name;
if (propertyTypeName == typeName)
// The types are the same.
// Replace the value of the node.
valueNode.InnerText = propertyValueString;
// If the property existed, and its type
// has not changed, you are finished.
retVal = true;
// Types are different. Delete the node
// and clear the node variable.
node = null;
// The previous block of code may have cleared the value in the
// variable named node.
if (node == null)
// Either you did not find the node, or you
// found it, its type was incorrect, and you deleted it.
// Either way, you need to create the new property node now.
// Find the highest existing "pid" value.
// The default value for the "pid" attribute is "2".
string pidValue = "2";
XmlNode propertiesNode = customPropsDoc.DocumentElement;
if (propertiesNode.HasChildNodes)
XmlNode lastNode = propertiesNode.LastChild;
if (lastNode != null)
XmlAttribute pidAttr = lastNode.Attributes["pid"];
if (!(pidAttr == null))
pidValue = pidAttr.Value;
// Increment pidValue, so that the new property
// gets a pid value one higher. This value should be
// numeric, but you should confirm that.
int value = 0;
if (int.TryParse(pidValue, out value))
pidValue = Convert.ToString(value + 1);
node = customPropsDoc.CreateElement("property", customPropertiesSchema);
node.Attributes["name"].Value = propertyName;
node.Attributes["fmtid"].Value = "{D5CDD505-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}";
node.Attributes["pid"].Value = pidValue;
valueNode = customPropsDoc.CreateElement(propertyTypeName, customVTypesSchema);
valueNode.InnerText = propertyValueString;
retVal = true;
// Save the properties XML back to its part.
return retVal;
このコードは、最初に、可能性のあるカスタム プロパティの種類の列挙を定義します。
Public Enum PropertyTypes
End Enum
public enum PropertyTypes
次に、このサンプル コードは WDSetCustomProperty を呼び出し、Word 2007 ドキュメントへの参照、カスタム プロパティの名前、プロパティを設定する新しい値、および列挙された値からプロパティの種類を渡します。
Dim propertyTypeName As String = "vt:lpwstr"
string propertyTypeName = "vt:lpwstr";
次に、ユーザーは propertyTypeName 変数を CustomFilePropertiesPart パーツの WordprocessingML マークアップの Text 値を表す既定のノード名 (vt:lpwstr) に設定します。ドキュメントのカスタム プロパティは、CustomFilePropertiesPart パーツにあります。最終的に、この変数はユーザーが設定するプロパティ値を含むノードを参照します。
次に、一連の Select Case ステートメント (Microsoft Visual C# の switch ステートメント) が更新するプロパティの種類をテストします。プロパティの値に応じて、コードはこの値を保持している特定のノードの名前と等しくなるように変数を設定します。次に、コードはプロパティを更新する値をフォーマットします。
Select Case (propertyType)
Case PropertyTypes.DateTime
propertyTypeName = "vt:filetime"
If (TypeOf propertyValue Is String) Then
propertyValueString = String.Format("{0:s}Z", Convert.ToDateTime(propertyValue))
End If
Case PropertyTypes.NumberInteger
propertyTypeName = "vt:i4"
If (TypeOf propertyValue Is Int32) Then
propertyValueString = Convert.ToInt32(propertyValue).ToString
End If
End Select
switch (propertyType)
case PropertyTypes.DateTime:
propertyTypeName = "vt:filetime";
// Make sure you were passed a real date,
// and if so, format in the correct way. The date/time
// value passed in should represent a UTC date/time.
if (propertyValue.GetType() == typeof(System.String))
propertyValueString = string.Format("{0:s}Z", Convert.ToDateTime(propertyValue));
case PropertyTypes.NumberInteger:
propertyTypeName = "vt:i4";
if (propertyValue.GetType() == typeof(System.Int32))
propertyValueString = Convert.ToInt32(propertyValue).ToString();
次に、Office Open XML ファイル形式パッケージを表す WordprocessingDocument オブジェクトを入力ドキュメントに基づいて作成します。次に、コードは CustomFilePropertiesPart を取得します。次に、コードは XPath クエリをセットアップする名前空間マネージャを作成します。
コードの次のセクションは、カスタム プロパティ パーツが存在するかどうかを判定します。
If (customPropsPart Is Nothing) Then
customPropsDoc = New XmlDocument(nt)
' The part does not exist. Create it now.
customPropsPart = wdPackage.AddCustomFilePropertiesPart
' Set up the rudimentary custom part.
rootNode = customPropsDoc.CreateElement("Properties", customPropertiesSchema)
rootNode.Attributes("xmlns:vt").Value = customVTypesSchema
' Load the contents of the custom properties part into an XML document.
customPropsDoc = New XmlDocument(nt)
rootNode = customPropsDoc.DocumentElement
End If
if (customPropsPart == null)
customPropsDoc = new XmlDocument(nt);
// The part does not exist. Create it now.
customPropsPart = wdPackage.AddCustomFilePropertiesPart();
// Set up the rudimentary custom part.
rootNode = customPropsDoc.CreateElement("Properties", customPropertiesSchema);
rootNode.Attributes["xmlns:vt"].Value = customVTypesSchema;
// Load the contents of the custom properties part into an XML document.
customPropsDoc = new XmlDocument(nt);
rootNode = customPropsDoc.DocumentElement;
パーツが存在しない場合、コードはカスタム プロパティ パーツ シェルを作成し、基本プロパティを読み込みます。パーツが存在する場合は、ユーザーはその内容をメモリ常駐 XML ドキュメント内に読み込み、d:Properties/d:property ノードを検索する XPath クエリとして検索文字列をセットアップします。
If (Not (node) Is Nothing) Then
' You found the node. Now check its type.
If node.HasChildNodes Then
valueNode = node.ChildNodes(0)
If (Not (valueNode) Is Nothing) Then
Dim typeName As String = valueNode.Name
If (propertyTypeName = typeName) Then
' The types are the same.
' Replace the value of the node.
valueNode.InnerText = propertyValueString
' If the property existed, and its type
' did not change, you are finished.
retVal = True
' The types are different. Delete the node
' and clear the node variable.
node = Nothing
End If
End If
End If
End If
if (node != null)
// You found the node. Now check its type.
if (node.HasChildNodes)
valueNode = node.ChildNodes[0];
if (valueNode != null)
string typeName = valueNode.Name;
if (propertyTypeName == typeName)
// The types are the same.
// Replace the value of the node.
valueNode.InnerText = propertyValueString;
// If the property existed, and its type
// did not change, you are finished.
retVal = true;
// Types are different. Delete the node
// and clear the node variable.
node = null;
ノードが見つからなかった場合、または見つかって種類が適切ではない場合に、ノードを削除した場合、新しいプロパティ ノードを作成します。
Dim pidValue As String = "2"
Dim propertiesNode As XmlNode = customPropsDoc.DocumentElement
If propertiesNode.HasChildNodes Then
Dim lastNode As XmlNode = propertiesNode.LastChild
If (Not (lastNode) Is Nothing) Then
Dim pidAttr As XmlAttribute = lastNode.Attributes("pid")
If Not (pidAttr Is Nothing) Then
pidValue = pidAttr.Value
' Increment pidValue, so that the new property
' gets a pid value one higher. This value should be
' numeric, but you should confirm that.
Dim value As Integer = 0
If Integer.TryParse(pidValue, value) Then
pidValue = Convert.ToString((value + 1))
End If
End If
End If
End If
string pidValue = "2";
XmlNode propertiesNode = customPropsDoc.DocumentElement;
if (propertiesNode.HasChildNodes)
XmlNode lastNode = propertiesNode.LastChild;
if (lastNode != null)
XmlAttribute pidAttr = lastNode.Attributes["pid"];
if (!(pidAttr == null))
pidValue = pidAttr.Value;
// Increment pidValue, so that the new property
// gets a pid value one higher. This value should be
// numeric, but you should confirm that.
int value = 0;
if (int.TryParse(pidValue, out value))
pidValue = Convert.ToString(value + 1);
各プロパティは、id 値 (pidValue) を持っていて、既定値は 2 です。この値は、既存のプロパティ id の値よりも 1 だけ大きくなければなりません。このコード セグメントは、既存のプロパティ ノード id の値 (存在する場合) を検索し、新しいプロパティ ノードの id が 1 だけ大きいことを確認します。
node = customPropsDoc.CreateElement("property", customPropertiesSchema)
node.Attributes("name").Value = propertyName
node.Attributes("fmtid").Value = "{D5CDD505-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}"
node.Attributes("pid").Value = pidValue
valueNode = customPropsDoc.CreateElement(propertyTypeName, customVTypesSchema)
valueNode.InnerText = propertyValueString
retVal = True
node = customPropsDoc.CreateElement("property", customPropertiesSchema);
node.Attributes["name"].Value = propertyName;
node.Attributes["fmtid"].Value = "{D5CDD505-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}";
node.Attributes["pid"].Value = pidValue;
valueNode = customPropsDoc.CreateElement(propertyTypeName, customVTypesSchema);
valueNode.InnerText = propertyValueString;
retVal = true;
残りのコードは、プロパティ要素を作成し、その属性を追加し、ノードをルート ノードに追加します。最後の手順では、操作が正常に完了したかどうかを示す Boolean 値を返します。
Public Enum PrintOrientation
End Enum
Public Sub WDSetPrintOrientation(ByVal docName As String, ByVal newOrientation As PrintOrientation)
' Given a document name, set the print orientation for all the sections of the document.
' Example:
' WDSetPrintOrientation(@"C:\Samples\SetOrientation.docx", PrintOrientation.Landscape);
Const wordmlNamespace As String = ""
Dim wdPackage As WordprocessingDocument = WordprocessingDocument.Open(docName, True)
' Get the officeDocument part.
Dim documentPart As MainDocumentPart = wdPackage.MainDocumentPart
' Load the officeDocument part into an XML document.
Dim doc As XmlDocument = New XmlDocument
' Manage namespaces to perform XPath queries.
Dim nt As NameTable = New NameTable
Dim nsManager As XmlNamespaceManager = New XmlNamespaceManager(nt)
nsManager.AddNamespace("w", wordmlNamespace)
Dim nodes As XmlNodeList = doc.SelectNodes("//w:sectPr/w:pgSz", nsManager)
For Each node As System.Xml.XmlNode In nodes
' Retrieve the current orientation for the section.
' Assume the orientation is portrait.
Dim orientation As PrintOrientation = PrintOrientation.Portrait
Dim attr As XmlAttribute = node.Attributes("w:orient")
If (Not (attr) Is Nothing) Then
Select Case (attr.Value)
Case "portrait"
orientation = PrintOrientation.Portrait
Case "landscape"
orientation = PrintOrientation.Landscape
End Select
End If
' Compare the current orientation to the requested orientation.
' If it is the same, get out. Otherwise, make the changes.
If (newOrientation <> orientation) Then
If (attr Is Nothing) Then
' Create the attribute. Although this is not necessary
' when there is no change in orientation,
' setting it has no negative effect.
attr = node.Attributes.Append(doc.CreateAttribute("w:orient", wordmlNamespace))
End If
Select Case (newOrientation)
Case PrintOrientation.Landscape
attr.Value = "landscape"
Case PrintOrientation.Portrait
attr.Value = "portrait"
End Select
Dim pageSizeNode As XmlNode = node.ParentNode.SelectSingleNode("w:pgMar", nsManager)
If (Not (pageSizeNode) Is Nothing) Then
' Swap page dimensions.
Dim width As String = Nothing
Dim height As String = Nothing
Dim widthAttr As XmlAttribute = Nothing
Dim heightAttr As XmlAttribute = Nothing
widthAttr = node.Attributes("w:w")
If (Not (widthAttr) Is Nothing) Then
width = widthAttr.Value
End If
heightAttr = node.Attributes("w:h")
If (Not (heightAttr) Is Nothing) Then
height = heightAttr.Value
End If
If (Not (widthAttr) Is Nothing) Then
widthAttr.Value = height
End If
If (Not (heightAttr) Is Nothing) Then
heightAttr.Value = width
End If
' Rotate margins. Printer settings determine how far you
' rotate when switching to landscape mode. Not having those
' settings, this code rotates 90 degrees. You can
' modify this behavior, or make it a parameter for the
' procedure.
Dim top As String = Nothing
Dim bottom As String = Nothing
Dim left As String = Nothing
Dim right As String = Nothing
Dim topAttr As XmlAttribute = Nothing
Dim leftAttr As XmlAttribute = Nothing
Dim bottomAttr As XmlAttribute = Nothing
Dim rightAttr As XmlAttribute = Nothing
topAttr = pageSizeNode.Attributes("w:top")
If (Not (attr) Is Nothing) Then
top = topAttr.Value
End If
leftAttr = pageSizeNode.Attributes("w:left")
If (Not (attr) Is Nothing) Then
left = leftAttr.Value
End If
rightAttr = pageSizeNode.Attributes("w:right")
If (Not (attr) Is Nothing) Then
right = rightAttr.Value
End If
bottomAttr = pageSizeNode.Attributes("w:bottom")
If (Not (attr) Is Nothing) Then
bottom = bottomAttr.Value
End If
If (Not (topAttr) Is Nothing) Then
topAttr.Value = left
End If
If (Not (leftAttr) Is Nothing) Then
leftAttr.Value = bottom
End If
If (Not (rightAttr) Is Nothing) Then
rightAttr.Value = top
End If
If (Not (bottomAttr) Is Nothing) Then
bottomAttr.Value = right
End If
End If
End If
' Save the document XML back to its part.
End Sub
public enum PrintOrientation
public static void WDSetPrintOrientation(string docName, PrintOrientation newOrientation)
// Given a document name, set the print orientation for all the sections of the document.
// Example:
// WDSetPrintOrientation(@"C:\Samples\SetOrientation.docx", PrintOrientation.Landscape);
const string wordmlNamespace = "";
using (WordprocessingDocument wdPackage = WordprocessingDocument.Open(docName, true))
// Get the officeDocument part.
MainDocumentPart documentPart = wdPackage.MainDocumentPart;
// Load the officeDocument part into an XML document.
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
// Manage namespaces to perform XPath queries.
NameTable nt = new NameTable();
XmlNamespaceManager nsManager = new XmlNamespaceManager(nt);
nsManager.AddNamespace("w", wordmlNamespace);
XmlNodeList nodes = doc.SelectNodes("//w:sectPr/w:pgSz", nsManager);
foreach (System.Xml.XmlNode node in nodes)
// Retrieve the current orientation for the section.
// Assume the orientation is portrait.
PrintOrientation orientation = PrintOrientation.Portrait;
XmlAttribute attr = node.Attributes["w:orient"];
if (attr != null)
switch (attr.Value)
case "portrait":
orientation = PrintOrientation.Portrait;
case "landscape":
orientation = PrintOrientation.Landscape;
// Compare the current orientation to the requested orientation.
// If it is the same, get out. Otherwise, make the changes.
if (newOrientation != orientation)
if (attr == null)
// Create the attribute. Although this is not necessary
// when there is no change in orientation,
// setting it has no negative effect.
attr = node.Attributes.Append(doc.CreateAttribute("w:orient", wordmlNamespace));
switch (newOrientation)
case PrintOrientation.Landscape:
attr.Value = "landscape";
case PrintOrientation.Portrait:
attr.Value = "portrait";
XmlNode pageSizeNode = node.ParentNode.SelectSingleNode("w:pgMar", nsManager);
if (pageSizeNode != null)
// Swap page dimensions.
string width = null;
string height = null;
XmlAttribute widthAttr = null;
XmlAttribute heightAttr = null;
widthAttr = node.Attributes["w:w"];
if (widthAttr != null)
width = widthAttr.Value;
heightAttr = node.Attributes["w:h"];
if (heightAttr != null)
height = heightAttr.Value;
if (widthAttr != null)
widthAttr.Value = height;
if (heightAttr != null)
heightAttr.Value = width;
// Rotate margins. Printer settings determine how far you
// rotate when switching to landscape mode. Not having those
// settings, this code rotates 90 degrees. You can
// modify this behavior, or make it a parameter for the
// procedure.
string top = null;
string bottom = null;
string left = null;
string right = null;
XmlAttribute topAttr = null;
XmlAttribute leftAttr = null;
XmlAttribute bottomAttr = null;
XmlAttribute rightAttr = null;
topAttr = pageSizeNode.Attributes["w:top"];
if (attr != null)
top = topAttr.Value;
leftAttr = pageSizeNode.Attributes["w:left"];
if (attr != null)
left = leftAttr.Value;
rightAttr = pageSizeNode.Attributes["w:right"];
if (attr != null)
right = rightAttr.Value;
bottomAttr = pageSizeNode.Attributes["w:bottom"];
if (attr != null)
bottom = bottomAttr.Value;
if (topAttr != null)
topAttr.Value = left;
if (leftAttr != null)
leftAttr.Value = bottom;
if (rightAttr != null)
rightAttr.Value = top;
if (bottomAttr != null)
bottomAttr.Value = right;
// Save the document XML back to its part.
このコードは、最初に 2 つの印刷オプションの列挙を定義します。
Public Enum PrintOrientation
End Enum
public enum PrintOrientation
次に、コードは WDSetPrintOrientation を呼び出し、Word 2007 ドキュメントへの参照および必要な印刷方向 (横または縦) を渡します。次に、ユーザーは Office Open XML Format パッケージを表す WordprocessingDocument オブジェクトをセットアップし、MainDocumentPart パーツへの参照を設定します。ユーザーは、メモリ常駐 XML ドキュメントを作成し、メイン ドキュメント パーツの内容を読み込みます。
次に、ユーザーは XmlNamespaceManager オブジェクトを使用し、w 修飾子を使用して、既定の WordprocessingML 名前空間への参照を設定することで名前空間マネージャを設定します。次に、ユーザーは次の XPath 式を使用してプリンタ固有のノードを選択します。
Dim nodes As XmlNodeList = doc.SelectNodes("//w:sectPr/w:pgSz", nsManager)
XmlNodeList nodes = doc.SelectNodes("//w:sectPr/w:pgSz", nsManager);
次に、ユーザーは w:orient ノードをテストして現在の設定を判定します。このプロシージャは、縦向きを前提としています。
Dim attr As XmlAttribute = node.Attributes("w:orient")
If (Not (attr) Is Nothing) Then
Select Case (attr.Value)
Case "portrait"
orientation = PrintOrientation.Portrait
Case "landscape"
orientation = PrintOrientation.Landscape
End Select
End If
XmlAttribute attr = node.Attributes["w:orient"];
if (attr != null)
switch (attr.Value)
case "portrait":
orientation = PrintOrientation.Portrait;
case "landscape":
orientation = PrintOrientation.Landscape;
If (newOrientation <> orientation) Then
if (newOrientation != orientation)
この記事で説明したように、「Microsoft SDK for Open XML Formats テクノロジ プレビュー」を参照することで、Word 2007 ファイルの操作が非常に簡単になります。この一連の記事のコードを習得し、Office Open XML オブジェクト モデルを使用してユーザー独自のプログラミングの問題を解決してください。