
Assigning Certificates (Command Line)

There are several ways to assign a certificate. You can assign the certificate at the same time you request it (through the Request action), at the time you import it (through either the ImportResponse action or the ImportPFX option), or at a later time (through the Assign action). If you choose to immediately assign the certificate to a server during a request or import action, you need to set two additional parameters with the appropriate action: /Assign and /Components.

Parameter Description


New in Office Communications Server 2007 R2. Specifies whether the issued certificate should be assigned immediately. This parameter is available only when /online is set to True (the default).


New in Office Communications Server 2007 R2. Specifies the Edge Server to which the certificate should be assigned. This is a comma-separated list, specifying one or more of the following options:

AP Access Proxy or Access Edge Server

DP Data Proxy or Web Conferencing Edge Server

MR Media Relay or A/V Edge Server

INTERNAL Edge Server internal interface (default)

To assign a certificate at the time it's requested, set the /Assign parameter to True, and specify a comma-separated list of servers to which the certificate is to be assigned. Note that the /Online parameter must also be set to True, which is the default for that parameter.

A Request action with immediate assignment might look like this.

LCSCmd.exe /Cert /Action:Request /OU:Marketing /Org:Contoso /sn:eepool1.contoso.com /country:US /city:Redmond /state:Washington /assign:TRUE /Components:AP,MR /ca:contoso.com\contoso-CA

The /Assign and /Components parameters are identical for the ImportResponse and ImportPFX actions.

If you choose to assign a certificate at a later time, use the Assign action. Here is the syntax of the Assign action of the Cert context.

LCSCmd /Cert /Action:Assign /issuer:<the issuer of the certificate> [/subjectName:<subject name of the certificate>] [/serialNumber:<serial number of the certificate>] [/Components:<AP | DP | MR | INTERNAL>] [/L:<log file path>] [/XML:[TRUE|FALSE]]

Here is an example showing a certificate assignment:

LCSCmd /Cert /Action:Assign /issuer:contoso.com /subjectName:Pool01-Certificate /Components:AP,MR


Parameter Description


Executes the selected certificate task on the current computer.


Takes a string that specifies the action name. Valid action names include Request, CheckStatus, ImportResponse, ImportPFX, ExportPFX, ListCA, and ImportCAChain.


Specifies the common name of the issuer.


Specifies the subject name of the certificate.


Specifies the serial number of the certificate.


New in Office Communications Server 2007 R2. Specifies the Edge Server to which the certificate should be assigned. This is a comma-separated list, specifying one or more of the following options:

AP Access Proxy or Access Edge Server

DP Data Proxy or Web Conferencing Edge Server

MR Media Relay or A/V Edge Server

INTERNAL Edge Server internal interface (default)


Specifies the log file path. If not specified, %TEMP%\<ActionName>[<Date>][<Time>].html is used. To disable logging, use a dash character (-) as the log file name.


Specifies whether the log file to be generated should be in XML format instead of HTML.


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