
LocalizedString Members

The LocalizedString structure defines a localizable string.

The following tables list the members exposed by the LocalizedString type.

Public Constructors

  Name Description
LocalizedString Overloaded. The LocalizedString constructor overloads create new LocalizedString objects.


Public Fields

  Name Description
Aa564631.pubfield(en-us,EXCHG.80).gifAa564631.static(en-us,EXCHG.80).gif Empty The Empty field is true if this LocalizedString object is empty. Otherwise, the Empty property is false.


Public Properties

  Name Description
Aa564631.pubproperty(en-us,EXCHG.80).gif BaseId The BaseId property returns a numeric ID for the string template.
Aa564631.pubproperty(en-us,EXCHG.80).gif IsEmpty The IsEmpty property returns true if this LocalizedString is empty.


Public Methods

(see also Protected Methods )

  Name Description
Aa564631.pubmethod(en-us,EXCHG.80).gif Equals Overloaded. The Equals method overloads compare the value of this LocalizedString object with other LocalizedString objects.
Aa564631.pubmethod(en-us,EXCHG.80).gif GetHashCode Overridden. The GetHashCode method returns a hash code based on the hash codes of the resource manager and the resource id.
Aa564631.pubmethod(en-us,EXCHG.80).gif GetType  (inherited from Object )
Aa564631.pubmethod(en-us,EXCHG.80).gifAa564631.static(en-us,EXCHG.80).gif Join The Join method joins an array of strings together with a separator.
Aa564631.pubmethod(en-us,EXCHG.80).gifAa564631.static(en-us,EXCHG.80).gif op_Equality The op_Equality operator compares two LocalizedString objects.
Aa564631.pubmethod(en-us,EXCHG.80).gifAa564631.static(en-us,EXCHG.80).gif op_Implicit The implicit conversion operator from LocalizedString to String.
Aa564631.pubmethod(en-us,EXCHG.80).gifAa564631.static(en-us,EXCHG.80).gif op_Inequality The op_Inequality operator overload compares the magnitude of two LocalizedString objects.
Aa564631.pubmethod(en-us,EXCHG.80).gifAa564631.static(en-us,EXCHG.80).gif ReferenceEquals  (inherited from Object )
Aa564631.pubmethod(en-us,EXCHG.80).gif ToString Overloaded. Overridden. The ToString method overloads return a string representation of this LocalizedString object.


Protected Methods

  Name Description
Aa564631.protmethod(en-us,EXCHG.80).gif Finalize  (inherited from Object )
Aa564631.protmethod(en-us,EXCHG.80).gif MemberwiseClone  (inherited from Object )


Explicit Interface Implementations

  Name Description
System.IFormattable.ToString The System.IFormattable.ToString method uses the specified IFormatProvider object to return a string representation of this LocalizedString object.
System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable.GetObjectData The System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable.GetObjectData method is called when this LocalizedString object is serialized.
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Common.ILocalizedString.LocalizedString The Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Common.ILocalizedString.LocalizedString property returns the value of this LocalizedString object.
