
ErrorCheckingOptions Object (Excel)

Represents the error-checking options for an application.


Use the ErrorCheckingOptions property of the Application object to return an ErrorCheckingOptions object.

Reference the Item property of the Errors object to view a list of index values associated with error-checking options.

Once an ErrorCheckingOptions object is returned, you can use the following properties, which are members of the ErrorCheckingOptions object, to set or return error checking options.


The following example uses the TextDate property to enable error checking for two-digit-year text dates and notifies the user.

Sub CheckTextDates() 
 Dim rngFormula As Range 
 Set rngFormula = Application.Range("A1") 
 Range("A1").Formula = "'April 23, 00" 
 Application.ErrorCheckingOptions.TextDate = True 
 ' Perform check to see if 2 digit year TextDate check is on. 
 If rngFormula.Errors.Item(xlTextDate).Value = True Then 
 MsgBox "The text date error checking feature is enabled." 
 MsgBox "The text date error checking feature is not on." 
 End If 
End Sub

See Also


ErrorCheckingOptions Object Members

Excel Object Model Reference