
Element Types

This content is outdated and is no longer being maintained. It is provided as a courtesy for individuals who are still using these technologies. This page may contain URLs that were valid when originally published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.

Element types differ according to their functionality. The following table describes element types for Features and shows their possible settings for scope.




Content Type


Contains a schema definition you can reuse and apply to multiple list definitions.

Content Type Binding


Content type binding enables you to provision a content type on a list defined in the Onet.xml schema. Lists defined in the Onet.xml schema cannot be modified directly.


Farm, WebApplication, Site, Web

A delegate control contains a registration for a well-known control installed on a Web page. This lets you replace existing controls, such as the Windows SharePoint Services search control, with another control.

Custom Action

Farm, WebApplication, Site, Web

You can define the following kinds of custom actions:

  • Content type links for the content type settings page

  • Drop-down menu actions for the drop-down menu that appears for an item

  • Form toolbar buttons for New, Edit, or Display form toolbars.

  • Site Settings link for the Site Settings page.

Custom Action Group

Farm, WebApplication, Site, Web

Defines a group of custom actions.

Document Converter


Contains the definition of a document converter. A document converter is a custom executable file that takes a document of one file type, and generates a copy of that file in another file type.

Feature/Site Template Association

Farm, WebApplication, Site

Binds a Feature to a site definition configuration so that created sites are provisioned with the Feature.



Contains a field definition that can be reused among multiple lists.

Hide Custom Action

Farm, WebApplication, Site, Web

Hides a custom action that has been added through another custom action.

List Instance

Site, Web

Provisions a SharePoint site with a specific list of data.

List Template

Site, Web

Contains a list definition or template, which defines a list that can be provisioned in a SharePoint site.


Site, Web

Contains a set of files with which to provision sites.



Contains an item event receiver registration.



Contains the definition for a workflow in a list.

Farm: farm scope

WebApplication: Web application scope

Site: site collection scope

Web: Web site scope