
File.GetLimitedWebPartManager メソッド

Specifies the control set used to access, modify, or add Web Parts associated with this Web Part Page and view.

名前空間:  Microsoft.SharePoint.Client
アセンブリ:   Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Silverlight (Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Silverlight.dll 内);  Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Phone (Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Phone.dll 内)  Microsoft.SharePoint.Client (Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.dll 内)


Public Function GetLimitedWebPartManager ( _
    scope As PersonalizationScope _
) As LimitedWebPartManager
Dim instance As File
Dim scope As PersonalizationScope
Dim returnValue As LimitedWebPartManager

returnValue = instance.GetLimitedWebPartManager(scope)
public LimitedWebPartManager GetLimitedWebPartManager(
    PersonalizationScope scope



型: Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.WebParts.LimitedWebPartManager
Returns a LimitedWebPartManager instance representing the control set used to access, modify, or add Web Parts associated with this Web Part Page and view.


例外 条件

URL extension must not be null 参照 (Visual Basic のNothing ) and must be ASPX. Error code: -1.


URL must be an absolute address. Error code: -2147024809.


URL must not be null 参照 (Visual Basic のNothing ). Error code: -2147467261.


PersonalizationScope must be valid. Error code: -2146233086.


New initialized instance of Web Part Manager must exist. Error code: -2147024894.



File クラス

File メンバー

Microsoft.SharePoint.Client 名前空間