
Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Publishing namespace

Provides a large set of classes for developing custom plugins and apps for interacting publishing pages in SharePoint Server 2013.


  Class Description
Public class AcronymInformation
Public class AddinPlugin Represents the settings of a social plugin.
Public class AddinSettings Represents the settings of a site services add-in.
Public class CustomizableString Represents a string-typed property with a default value that is used if a custom value has not been explicitly assigned.
Public class DesignPackage A static class that is used to import and export a design package to and from a site collection.
Public class DesignPackageInfo Represents metadata that are related to a design package.
Public class EnumerateOnlyVideoCollection
Public class ImageRendition Handles the metadata of an image rendition.
Public class PageLayoutCreationInformation
Public class PublishingPage Provides publishing-related behavior for an .aspx page that is stored in a PublishingWeb object.
Public class PublishingPageInformation This class is used as an input parameter for methods that create [PublishingPage] objects.
Public class PublishingSite
Public class PublishingWeb Provides publishing behavior for a Web instance that supports publishing.
Public class ScheduledItem Provides a wrapper that includes scheduling-specific behavior for items in the ListItem class.
Public class Search
Public class SearchPropertyNames
Public class SharePagePreviewByEmailFieldsData
Public class SiteImageRenditions Exposes the operations to read and write image renditions from a site collection.
Public class SitePageFieldsData
Public class SitePageVersionInfo
Public class SiteServicesAddins The SiteServicesAddins class provides methods that manage site services addins and social plugins.
Public class SiteSharingEmailContext
Public class SpotlightChannel
Public class SpotlightChannelCollection
Public class SpotlightChannelObjectPropertyNames
Public class SpotlightChannelPropertyNames
Public class SpotlightVideo
Public class SpotlightVideoCollection
Public class SpotlightVideoObjectPropertyNames
Public class SpotlightVideoPropertyNames
Public class SubtitleCollection
Public class SubtitleFile
Public class SubtitleFilePropertyNames
Public class TextValueWithLanguage
Public class VariationLabel Represents VariationLabel objects that are managed from the "/_layouts/VariationLabels.aspx" page.
Public class Variations The Variations class exposes essential information about the Variations system in a Site Collection that is activated with the Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 Publishing feature.
Public class VideoChannel
Public class VideoChannelCollection
Public class VideoChannelObjectPropertyNames
Public class VideoChannelPropertyNames
Public class VideoCollection
Public class VideoItem
Public class VideoItemObjectPropertyNames
Public class VideoItemPropertyNames
Public class VideoPermissionGroup
Public class VideoPermissionGroupObjectPropertyNames
Public class VideoPermissionGroupPropertyNames
Public class VideoPlaybackMetadata
Public class VideoPlaybackMetadataPropertyNames
Public class VideoThumbnail
Public class VideoThumbnailCollection
Public class VideoThumbnailPropertyNames


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration ChannelPermission
Public enumeration PortalPermission
Public enumeration VideoPlaybackOrigin
Public enumeration VideoProcessingStatus
Public enumeration VideoStreamingFormat
Public enumeration VideoThumbnailChoices
Public enumeration ViewControlState