
CKeyColumns, CKeyColumnInfo


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The latest version of this topic can be found at CKeyColumns, CKeyColumnInfo.

Call the typedef class CKeyColumns to implement its parameter class CKeyColumnInfo.


See Schema Rowset Classes and Typedef Classes for more information on using typedef classes.

This class identifies the columns, defined in the catalog, that are constrained as keys by a given user.

The following table lists the class data members and their corresponding OLE DB Columns. See KEY_COLUMN_USAGE Rowset in the OLE DB Programmer's Reference for more information about the schema and columns.

Data members OLE DB columns
m_szConstraintCatalog CONSTRAINT_CATALOG
m_szConstraintSchema CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA
m_szConstraintName CONSTRAINT_NAME
m_szTableCatalog TABLE_CATALOG
m_szTableSchema TABLE_SCHEMA
m_szTableName TABLE_NAME
m_szColumnName COLUMN_NAME
m_guidColumn COLUMN_GUID
m_nOrdinalPosition ORDINAL_POSITION


Header: atldbsch.h

See Also

CRestrictions Class