
AddStartParameter Method

この機能は、将来のバージョンの Microsoft SQL Server では削除される予定です。新規の開発作業ではこの機能を使用しないようにし、現在この機能を使用しているアプリケーションは修正することを検討してください。

The AddStartParameter method appends a Microsoft SQL Server service startup option to those currently used by the service.




  • object
    Expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list.

Prototype (C/C++)

HRESULT AddStartParameter(SQLDMO_LPCSTR NewValue);


The list of SQL Server service startup options in use for an instance of SQL Server is visible in SQL Distributed Management Objects (SQL-DMO) through the Parameters collection of the Configuration object. To configure startup options persistently, use the Add and Remove methods of the Parameters collection.

The AddStartParameter method can be used on a disconnected SQLServer object referencing an instance of SQL Server not yet started. The Start method of the SQLServer object will then start the SQL Server service with the option specified.

ms132906.note(ja-jp,SQL.90).gif重要 :
Specifying startup options for the SQL Server service is supported for instances of SQL Server on Microsoft Windows.

Applies to:

SQLServer Object