
RemoteServer Object

この機能は、将来のバージョンの Microsoft SQL Server では削除される予定です。新規の開発作業ではこの機能を使用しないようにし、現在この機能を使用しているアプリケーションは修正することを検討してください。

The RemoteServer object exposes the attributes of an instance of Microsoft SQL Server, known as a remote server, to another server.

現在のオブジェクトを表す SQL-DMO オブジェクト モデル


ID Property

Options Property

Name Property

TopologyX Property

NetName Property

TopologyY Property


ExecuteImmediate Method (LinkedServer, RemoteServer)

Remove Method (Objects)

ExecuteWithResults Method

SetOptions Method

ExecuteWithResultsAndMessages Method

SetTopologyXY Method


To facilitate connections between instances of SQL Server in an organization, SQL Server uses remote-server naming.

An instance of SQL Server can maintain authentication information for connections originating from other instances of SQL Server. Each instance of SQL Server in an organization can control access by listing the instances of SQL Server from which it accepts connections.

When a remote server is named on an instance of SQL Server, the server maintaining the name list can, in turn, originate a connection to a named remote server.

With the RemoteServer object, you can:

  • Name a new SQL Server remote server.
  • Adjust the Mixed Mode attributes of a named remote server.
  • Execute Transact-SQL scripts on a named remote server.
  • Remove a remote server definition.
ms135149.note(ja-jp,SQL.90).gifメモ :
The RemoteServer object is compatible with instances of SQL Server versions 7.0 and alter. However, the RemoteServer2 object extends the functionality of the RemoteServer object for use with features that were introduced in SQL Server 2000.



RemoteServer2 Object


SQL Server 2005 の参考資料の入手