
Planning for Archiving and Restoring Data

Published : September 27, 2005

DPM provides an excellent solution for short-term protection and recovery of file server data. However, it does not eliminate the need to archive your file server data for long-term storage and disaster recovery. The primary reasons to continue archiving your file server data after you deploy DPM are to meet business, legal, or financial requirements to archive data, to recover from a hardware or software disaster on the DPM server, and to recover from a site disaster that affects both the DPM server and the protected file servers.

You should consider a number of factors when designing your archive strategy, such as backing up only what is necessary, scheduling backups carefully, and choosing the appropriate tools for backing up and restoring data. At a minimum, your archive and restore strategy should define the following:

  • A list of backup components

  • A backup schedule

  • Backup software and tools

  • A backup topology


For more information about designing a disaster recovery strategy in Windows 2000 Server and Windows Server 2003 environments, see Microsoft TechNet article, “Planning for Disaster Recovery” (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=47882).

The following sections provide more detail about planning an archive and restore strategy in the DPM environment.