
File Server Protection Issues

適用対象: System Center Data Protection Manager 2010

The following table provides troubleshooting guidance on file server data protection issues.

File Server Data Protection Issues

Issue Possible Cause Resolution

A Volume Missing error occurs for some of your protected server volumes.

The DPM server cannot identify the volumes.

Perform the following steps to remove the Volume Missing status.

  1. In DPM Administrator Console, click Management on the navigation bar, and then select the Disks tab.

  2. In the Actions pane, for each disk in the storage pool, click Rescan. The current disk data is displayed.

  3. Close DPM Administrator Console, and then restart it. Check for any missing volume alerts in the details pane, and address them.

  4. In the Protection task area, verify that DPM removed the Volume Missing status.

Inconsistent drive letter references in the DPM New Protection Group Wizard.

If you change a volume drive letter and then do not restart the computer before creating a protection group for that volume, inconsistent drive letter references may appear in the DPM New Protection Group Wizard.

To display the correct drive letters in the New Protection Group Wizard, you must refresh the drive letters in SQL by performing the following steps:

  1. Remove the volume from the protection group, retaining the replicas.

  2. Read the volume to the protection group.

The recovery point time is not consistent with synchronization time.

When a recovery point is created, it reflects the time of the most recent change to the protected volume.

For example, if a recovery point is scheduled to be created at 11:00 A.M. and the most recent change to the protected volume occurred at 8:30 A.M., the recovery point that was created at 11:00 A.M. will display a time stamp of 8:30 A.M.

No action is required.

Replicas are marked as inconsistent.

Once a volume is marked as Missing, DPM only brings the volume back online during the next disk modification operation, such as Allocate disk space, or after restarting the computer. DPM then marks the replica as inconsistent.

You must perform a manual consistency check. For information about performing a consistency check, in DPM 2010 Help, see How to Synchronize a Replica (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=196901).