
Recovery Point Schedules for Long-Term Protection

適用対象: System Center Data Protection Manager 2010

The following table lists the DPM recovery point schedule for the different long-term protection combinations.

Recovery Point Schedules for Long-Term Protection

Backup frequency and retention range Recovery point schedule

Daily, 1–4 weeks

Full backup daily

Daily, 1–11 months

1 full backup each day for 4 weeks

1 full backup each month after the initial 4 weeks

Daily, 1–99 years

1 full backup each day for 4 weeks

1 full backup each month after the initial 4 weeks, until the 12th month

1 full backup each year after the initial 11 months

Weekly, 1–4 weeks

Full backup weekly

Weekly, 1–11 months

1 full backup each week for 4 weeks

1 full backup each month after the initial 4 weeks

Weekly, 1–99 years

1 full backup each week for 4 weeks

1 full backup each month after the initial 4 weeks, until the 12th month

1 full backup each year after the initial 11 months

Bi-weekly, 1–11 months

1 full backup every 2 weeks for 4 weeks

1 full backup each month after the initial 4 weeks

Bi-weekly, 1–99 years

1 full backup every 2 weeks for 4 weeks

1 full backup each month after the initial 4 weeks, until the 12th month

1 full backup each year after the initial 11 months

Monthly, 1–11 months

Full backup monthly

Monthly, 1–99 years

1 full backup each month, until the 12th month

1 full backup each year after the initial 11 months

Quarterly, 1–99 years

1 full backup every 3 months until the 12th month

1 full backup each year after the initial 11 months

Half-yearly, 1–99 years

1 full backup every 6 months until the 12th month

1 full backup each year after the initial 11 months

Yearly, 1–99 years

Full backup yearly



Defining Recovery Goals