
Specifying Tape and Library Details

適用対象: System Center Data Protection Manager 2010

If you select protection using tape, you must specify the number of copies of each tape that DPM should create and the configuration options for the backup tapes. You can choose one of the following options:

  • Compress data

    If you select this option, DPM compresses the data as it is written to the tape, which reduces the space needed on the tape and increases the number of backup jobs that can be stored on the same tape. Compression does not significantly increase the time required to complete the backup job. The rate of compression varies according to the type of data.

  • Encrypt data

    If you select this option, DPM encrypts the data as it is written to the tape, which increases the security for archived data. Encryption does not significantly increase the time required to complete the backup job.


    To enable encryption, a valid encryption certificate must be available on the DPM server. For instructions, see How to Encrypt Data in a Protection Group (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=196750) in DPM Help.



Planning Protection Configurations