
Hyper-V Protection Issues

適用対象: System Center Data Protection Manager 2010

The following table provides troubleshooting guidance on protection issues for Hyper-V virtual machines.

Hyper-V Virtual Machine Protection Issues

Issue Reason Workaround

DPM error: DPM failed to synchronize changes for Microsoft Hyper-V \Backup Using Child Partition Snapshot\<<VM Name>> on <<Resource Group>> because the snapshot volume did not have sufficient storage space to hold the churn on the protected computer (ID 30115 Details: Unknown error (0x8004231f) (0x8004231F))

Insufficient storage in snapshot pool.

Verify that the SAN has enough available storage to create hardware snapshots.

DPM error: The VSS application writer or the VSS provider is in a bad state. Either it was already in a bad state or it entered a bad state during the current operation. (ID 30111 Details: Unknown error (0x800423f4) (0x800423F4))

VMMS event: No snapshots to revert were found for virtual machine 'CSVVM02'. (Virtual machine ID 4774EF60-F4B6-47D6-A0B9-60452C6B7FE8)

Auto-mounting of volumes might not be enabled on the protected computer.

Enable auto-mounting by using the following command: Mountvol /E

DPM error: The VSS application writer or the VSS provider is in a bad state. Either it was already in a bad state or it entered a bad state during the current operation. (ID 30111 Details: Unknown error (0x80042306) (0x80042306))

The hardware provider has vetoed snapshot creation.

This is potentially a configuration issue. Check the application event logs for VSS hardware provider events and validate the storage configuration with your SAN vendor.

The operation failed for Microsoft Hyper-V \Backup Using Child Partition Snapshot\Win7.01 on Win7.01.dpmcsv1.DC505.LAB because the data source is not available. (ID 30169 Details: Unknown error (0x80042308) (0x80042308))

Live migration caused the virtual machine to move to another node while the backup was in progress.

Cluster disks are in a bad state.

Data source was deleted.

  1. Rerun the backup job.

  2. Diagnose the storage volume for the virtual machine.

    For information about how to back up virtual machines on CSV, in the DPM 2010 Operations Guide, see Considerations for Backing Up Virtual Machines on CSV with the System VSS Provider (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=196939).

DPM error: Failed to prepare a Cluster Shared Volume (CSV) for backup as another backup using the same CSV is in progress. (ID 32612 Details: Unknown error (0x8007173d) (0x8007173D))

Too many parallel backups are competing for the same CSV LUN.

For information about how to enforce serial backups, in the DPM 2010 Operations Guide, see Considerations for Backing Up Virtual Machines on CSV with the System VSS Provider (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=196939).

DPM error: An unexpected error occurred during job execution. (ID 104 Details: Element not found (0x80070490))

There might be a failed disk in the cluster.

Repair or remove the failed disk in the cluster.

Backup of Hyper-V virtual machines are stalled and no data transfer is happening.

TCP Chimney Offloading maybe active.

Run netsh int tcp set global chimney=disabled to disable TCP Chimney Offloading.