
SMS_ConfigurationBaselineInfo Server WMI Class

Applies To: System Center Configuration Manager 2007, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R2, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R3, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SP1, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SP2

The SMS_ConfigurationBaselineInfo Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) class is an SMS Provider server class, in Configuration Manager, that defines information about a baseline configuration item. For more information about this type of configuration item, see SMS_BaselineAssignment Server WMI Class.

The following syntax is simplified from Managed Object Format (MOF) code and includes all inherited properties.

Class SMS_ConfigurationBaselineInfo : SMS_ConfigurationItemBaseClass
      UInt32 ActivatedCount;
      String ApplicabilityCondition;
      UInt32 AssignedCount;
      String CategoryInstance_UniqueIDs[];
      UInt32 CI_ID;
      String CI_UniqueID;
      UInt32 CIType_ID;
      UInt32 CIVersion;
      UInt32 ComplianceCount;
      String CreatedBy;
      DateTime DateCreated;
      DateTime DateLastModified;
      DateTime EffectiveDate;
      UInt32 EULAAccepted;
      Boolean EULAExists;
      DateTime EULASignoffDate;
      String EULASignoffUser;
      UInt32 FailureCount;
      Boolean IsAssigned;
      Boolean IsBundle;
      Boolean IsDigest;
      Boolean IsEnabled;
      Boolean IsExpired;
      Boolean IsHidden;
      Boolean IsQuarantined;
      Boolean IsSuperseded;
      Boolean IsUserDefined;
      String LastModifiedBy;
      String LocalizedCategoryInstanceNames[];
      String LocalizedDescription;
      String LocalizedDisplayName;
      String LocalizedInformativeURL;
      UInt32 LocalizedPropertyLocaleID;
      String ModelName;
      UInt32 NonComplianceCount;
      UInt32 PermittedUses;
      SMS_SDMPackageLocalizedData SDMPackageLocalizedData[];
      UInt32 SDMPackageVersion;
      String SDMPackageXML;
      UInt32 Severity;
      String SourceSite;


The SMS_ConfigurationBaselineInfo class does not define any methods.


  • ActivatedCount
    Data type: UInt32

    Access type: Read

    Qualifiers: None

    The number of computers that have evaluated the configuration item.

  • AssignedCount
    Data type: UInt32

    Access type: Read

    Qualifiers: None

    The number of computers that are targeted with the configuration item.

  • ComplianceCount
    Data type: UInt32

    Access type: Read

    Qualifiers: None

    Number of computers that are compliant with the configuration item.

  • FailureCount
    Data type: UInt32

    Access type: Read

    Qualifiers: None

    Number of computers that failed to evaluate the configuration item.

  • IsAssigned
    Data type: Boolean

    Access type: Read

    Qualifiers: None

    true if the configuration item is assigned. The default value is false.

  • NonComplianceCount
    Data type: UInt32

    Access type: Read

    Qualifiers: None

    Number of computers that are not compliant with the configuration item.

  • Severity
    Data type: UInt32

    Access type: Read

    Qualifiers: None

    The noncompliance severity of the configuration item.


Class qualifiers for this class include:

  • Secured

  • Read (read-only)

For more information about both the class qualifiers and the property qualifiers included in the Properties section, see Configuration Manager Class and Property Qualifiers.

Your application can use this class to create a baseline. After creating the object, the application should set the CIType_ID property to Baseline (2). When the object is properly configured, the application can use the SMS_BaselineAssignment Server WMI Class class to populate it with other configuration items and corresponding rules.

For information on the use of this class, see How to List Configuration Assignments and How to Assign Configuration Baselines. An example for baseline configuration is provided in Configuration Baseline Example 1.


Runtime Requirements

For more information, see Configuration Manager Server Runtime Requirements.

Development Requirements

For more information, see Configuration Manager Server Development Requirements.

See Also


Desired Configuration Management Server WMI Classes
SMS_BaselineAssignment Server WMI Class