
WhatsThisHelpID Property

Specifies the context ID corresponding to a What's This Help topic or an HTML Help topic for an object. Available at design time and run time.

Object.WhatsThisHelpID[ = nContextID]

Return Value

  • nContextID
    Specifies the context ID number of the corresponding topic in a Help file.

    The following table lists the values for nContextID and action performed when clicking the What's This Help button in the title bar.




    Displays the What's This Help popup window with the text, "No Help topic is associated with this item" or the main Help page of an HTML Help file, if available. (Default, –1)


    Searches the object hierarchy for the first object with a positive WhatsThisHelpID value. If found, Visual FoxPro displays the corresponding What's This Help topic or HTML Help topic, if available.

    If not found, Visual FoxPro does not display a What's This Help topic or an HTML Help topic.


    Displays the What's This Help topic or HTML Help topic matching the specified nContextID.

    If no Help topic matches the specified nContextID, Visual FoxPro displays the What's This Help popup window with the text, "No Help topic is associated with this item" or main Help page of an HTML Help file, if available.


Applies To: CheckBox | ComboBox | CommandButton | CommandGroup | Container Object | Control Object | EditBox | Form | Grid | Header | Image | Label | Line | ListBox | OLE Bound Control | OLE Container Control | OptionButton | OptionGroup | Shape | Spinner | TextBox | Timer | ToolBar

See Also


HelpContextID Property (Visual FoxPro)

SET HELP Command

ShowWhatsThis Method

WhatsThisButton Property

WhatsThisHelp Property

WhatsThisMode Method

Other Resources

Properties (Visual FoxPro)

Language Reference (Visual FoxPro)