
Addition of Objects to Forms

To design the functionality you want in a form, you add the appropriate controls, set form and control properties, and write event code.

You can add the following types of objects to a form:

Understanding Container and Control Objects

Objects in Visual FoxPro belong in one of two categories, depending on the nature of the class they are based on:

  • Containers can hold other containers or controls. They can act as the parent object for other objects. For example, a form, as a container, is the parent object of a check box on that form.
  • Controls can be placed in containers, but cannot be the parent for other objects. For example, a check box cannot contain any other object.

The Form Designer allows you to design both containers and controls.

Container Can contain
Column Headers, and any objects except form sets, forms, toolbars, timers, and other columns
Command button group Command buttons
Form set Forms, toolbars
Form Page frames, grids, any controls
Grid Columns
Option button group Option buttons
Page frame Pages
Page Grids, any controls

See Also

Extending Forms with Form Sets | Adding Visual FoxPro Containers | Creating Forms | Adding Visual FoxPro Controls to a Form | Adding User-Defined Objects to a Form | Adding Controls to a Form with the Component Gallery | Adding Controls to a Wizard-Generated Form | Adding User-Defined Objects to a Form | Selecting, Moving, and Resizing Form Controls | Aligning Controls in Forms | Setting Tab Order for Controls