Component Gallery Object Members
The Component Gallery is comprised of an interface, whose classes are contained in Vfpglry.vcx, and items that reference the following Visual FoxPro Foundation Classes.
Object | Description | Class library |
About Dialog | Provides a simple About dialog box for custom applications. | _dialogs.vcx |
ActiveX Calendar | A calendar control that can be tied to a date field. | _datetime.vcx |
Array Handler | Provides methods for handling array operations not performed by native product array functions. | _utility.vcx |
Cancel Button | Releases a form and discards any outstanding buffered data. | _miscbtns.vcx |
Clock | A simple clock control for a form or container. | _datetime.vcx |
Conflict Catcher | A dialog box for resolution of row conflicts encountered while editing under optimistic buffering. | _dataquery.vcx |
Cookies Class | A simple Web class for handling cookies between Web pages. | _internet.vcx |
Cross Tab | Generates a cross tab. | _utility.vcx |
Data Edit Buttons | A complete set of edit buttons (as used by Form Wizards). | Wizbtns.vcx |
Data Navigation Buttons | A Top, Next, Prev, Bottom navigation button group and the DataChecker class to check for conflicts when moving records. | _datanav.vcx |
Data Navigation Object | A nonvisual navigation object that other classes can use. | _table.vcx |
Data Session Manager | Manages data sessions and handles data updates. | _app.vcx |
Data Validation | Traps for data conflicts on buffered data. | _datanav.vcx |
DBF -> HTML | Converts a Visual FoxPro cursor (.dbf) to HTML. | _internet.vcx |
Distinct Values Combo | Performs a lookup of unique values from the controlsource field to populate a combo box. | _dataquery.vcx |
Error Object | A generic error handler that works for both object and procedural code. | _app.vcx |
Field Mover | A supermover list box that automatically loads fields from current data source. | _movers.vcx |
File Registry | Provides a set of registry functions that return application-specific information. | Registry.vcx |
File Version | Retrieves information from the version resource of a file. | _utility.vcx |
Filter Button | Displays dialog to specify a data filter on a particular field. | _table2.vcx |
Filter Dialog | A dialog that enables you to specify filter conditions on data. | _table.vcx |
Filter Expression Dialog | Creates an advanced filter expression dialog. | _table.vcx |
Find (Findnext) Buttons | A generic find/findnext buttonset. | _table.vcx |
Find Button | Locates a record based on specific criteria. | _table.vcx |
Find Dialog | A find dialog with simple options such as Field choice. | _table.vcx |
Find Files/Text | Uses the Filer.DLL COM object to search for files. | _utility.vcx |
Find Object | Creates a generic object that locates a record based on specified critereria. | _table.vcx |
Font Combobox | A combo box that lists available fonts. It is also used by tbrEditing and rtfControls classes. | _format.vcx |
Fontsize Combobox | A combo box that lists available font sizes. It is also used by tbrEditing and rtfControls classes. | _format.vcx |
Format Toolbar | Provides a toolbar for applying font formatting to text of the active control. | _format.vcx |
FRX -> HTML | Converts a Visual FoxPro reporting output (.frx) to HTML. | _internet.vcx |
GetFile and Directory | Retrieves both a file and a folder name. | _controls.vcx |
Goto Dialog Button | Creates a button that displays the Goto dialog box. | _table2.vcx |
Goto Dialog | Creates a Goto record dialog box. | _table.vcx |
Graph By Record Object | A navigation button group that allows you to refresh a new graph per record on the fly. | _utility.vcx |
Graph Object | Generates a Graph using the core Graph Wizard engine. | Autgraph.vcx |
Help Button | Displays the Help file as it starts searching for the specified HelpContextID. | _miscbtns.vcx |
Hyperlink Button | Launches a Web browser from a button. | _hyperlink.vcx |
Hyperlink Image | Launches a Web browser from an image. | _hyperlink.vcx |
Hyperlink Label | Launches a Web browser from a label. | _hyperlink.vcx |
INI Access | A set of registry functions that access old INI-style file settings. | Registry.vcx |
Item Locator | This button brings up a dialog to locate a record. | _dialogs.vcx |
Keywords Dialog | Creates a dialog like the Component Gallery keywords dialog. | _dialogs.vcx |
Launch Button | Launches an application with an optional document. | _miscbtns.vcx |
Locate Button | Displays a dialog to locate a record. | _table2.vcx |
Lookup Combobox | Performs a lookup of values in a field to populate a combo box. | _dataquery.vcx |
Mail Merge Object | Generates a Word Mail Merge using the core Mail Merge Wizard engine. | Mailmerge.vcx |
Messagebox Handler | A simple wrapper around the MessageBox function. | _dialogs.vcx |
MouseOver Effects | Highlights a control as the mouse passes over it. | _ui.vcx |
Mover | Provides a simple mover list box class with move/remove buttons. | _movers.vcx |
Navigation Shortcut Menu | A shortcut menu that can be dropped onto a form. | _table2.vcx |
Navigation Toolbar | A set of navigation buttons in a toolbar. | _table2.vcx |
Object State | Determines the state of an object and saves/restores the object property settings. | _app.vcx |
ODBC Registry | A set of registry functions that return ODBC-specific information. | Registry.vcx |
Offline Switch | Provides a view of online data for use offline. | _dataquery.vcx |
OK Button | Performs a simple form release. | _miscbtns.vcx |
Output Control | Displays a complex dialog box that prompts the user for a reporting output option. | _reports.vcx |
Output Dialog | Displays a dialog box that prompts the user for a reporting output option. | _reports.vcx |
Output Object | Various reporting output options. | _reports.vcx |
Password Dialog | A simple Password dialog for custom applications. | _dialogs.vcx |
Pivot Table | Generates a Microsoft Excel Pivot Table using the core PivotTable Wizard engine. | Pivtable.vcx |
Preview Report | A generic button to run a report. | _miscbtns.vcx |
QBF | Provides a buttonset for Query-By-Form querying. | _dataquery.vcx |
Registry Access | Provides access to information in the Windows Registry. | registry.vcx |
Resize Object | Causes form objects to resize/move with the Form's resize event. | _controls.vcx |
RTF Controls | Provides a set of buttons for applying font formatting to text of the active control. | _format.vcx |
Run Form Button | A button that runs a form. | _miscbtns.vcx |
SCX -> HTML | Converts an .scx form to HTML. | _internet.vcx |
SendMail Buttons | Uses the MAPI ActiveX Control to send a mail message from a form. | _miscbtns.vcx |
Shell Execute | Provides Windows Explorer double-click behavior. | _environ.vcx |
Shortcut Menu Class | This wrapper class dynamically creates shortcut pop-up menus. | _menu.vcx |
Simple Edit Buttons | Provides simple Add, Edit, Delete, Duplicate, Save, and Cancel buttons (as used by Form Wizards). | Wizbtns.vcx |
Simple Navigation Buttons | Provides a set of Next and Previous navigation buttons. | _table.vcx |
Simple Picture Navigation Buttons | This is a set of simple picture navigation buttons. | _table2.vcx |
Sort Button | Displays a dialog that enables you to perform an ascending or descending data sort on a particular field. | _table2.vcx |
Sort Dialog | Enables you to perform an ascending or descending data sort on a particular field. | _table2.vcx |
Sort Mover | This subclass of the supermover list box class automatically handles sorting of data. | _movers.vcx |
Sort Object | Performs a sort on a data source. | _table.vcx |
Sort Selector | Performs an ascending or descending sort based on the current control. | _table2.vcx |
Sound Player | This class loads and plays a sound file. | _multimedia.vcx |
Splash Screen | Provides a simple Splash Screen for custom applications. | _dialogs.vcx |
SQL Pass Through | Provides SQL Pass Thru and can allow you to execute stored procedures on your host database. | _dataquery.vcx |
Stop Watch | Provides a stop watch control for a form or container. | _datetime.vcx |
String Library | Performs various string conversions. | _utility.vcx |
Super Mover | Provides Move, Remove, Moveall, and Removeall buttons. | _movers.vcx |
System Toolbars | A manager class that handles and tracks Systoolbars. | _app.vcx |
Table Mover | This subclass of the supermover list box class automatically loads tables and fields from the current data source. | _movers.vcx |
Text Preview | Provides a viewer of output text. | _reports.vcx |
Thermometer | Provides a standard thermometer class. | _controls.vcx |
Trace Aware Timer | This is an application utility that determines whether the trace window is open. | _app.vcx |
Type Library | The main routine ExportTypeLib creates a text file with Typelib output. | _utility.vcx |
URL Combo | Creates a combo box for typing in a Web URL. It launches Microsoft Internet Explorer and navigates to the site. | _internet.vcx |
URL Open Dialog | Provides a dialog that creates a drop-down list that stores URL history. | _internet.vcx |
VCR Buttons | A Top, Next, Prev, and Bottom navigation button group. | _table.vcx |
VCR Picture Navigation Buttons | A set of VCR picture navigation buttons. | _table2.vcx |
Video Player | Loads and plays a video file using MCI commands. | _multimedia.vcx |
Web Browser control | A subclass of the Internet Explorer 4.0 Browser control, which provides hooks for Visual FoxPro code. | _webview.vcx |
Window Handler | Performs several common window operations typical of applications. | _ui.vcx |
For details on these class libraries, see Visual FoxPro Foundation Classes A-Z. For information on how to use the foundation classes, see Guidelines for Using Visual FoxPro Foundation Classes.
See Also
Customizing the Component Gallery | Development Productivity Tools | Using the Component Gallery | Component Gallery Class Library (Vpfgallery.vcx) | Component Gallery Table Structure