
DataObject Object

Container for data being transferred from an OLE drag source to an OLE drop target. Available at run time only.



The DataObject object is a container for data being transferred from an OLE drag source to an OLE drop target, and exists only for the duration of an OLE drag-and-drop event. The DataObject object cannot be created programmatically and references to it become invalid once the OLE drag-and-drop operation is complete. The DataObject is passed as the oDataObject parameter in the OLEDragDrop, OLEDragOver, OLESetData, and OLEStartDrag events.

The DataObject can store multiple sets of data, each in a different format. Use the GetFormat and GetData methods to determine the data formats and data on the DataObject. Use the SetFormat, SetData, or ClearData methods to add data formats and data to the DataObject, or clear all data formats and data from the DataObject.

See Also

DataObject Object Properties, Methods and Events | OLE Drag-and-Drop Overview | OLEDragDrop Event | OLEDragOver Event | OLESetData Event | OLEStartDrag Event