

Designers make it possible for you to design the windows, dialog boxes, and components in your application visually.

In This Section

  • Class Designer
    Use the Class designer to create and modify classes visually.
  • Connection Designer
    Use the Connection designer to create and modify named connections. Because connections are stored as part of a database, you only can use the Connection designer if you have a database open.
  • Data Environment Designer
    Use the Data Environment designer to create and modify the data environment of forms, form sets, and reports visually.
  • Database Designer
    The Database designer displays all the tables, views, and relationships contained in a database.
  • Form Designer
    Use the Form designer to create and modify forms and form sets visually. A form set consists of one or more forms that can be manipulated as a unit.
  • Label Designer
    Use the Label designer to create and modify labels. When the Label designer window is active, Microsoft Visual FoxPro displays the Report menu and the Report Controls toolbar.
  • Menu and Shortcut Designers
    Use the Menu designer and the Shortcut designer to create menus, menu items, submenus of menu items, lines that separate groups of related menu items, and so on.
  • Query and View Designers
    Use the Query designer and the View designer to create and modify queries and views. When the Query or View designer is active, Microsoft Visual FoxPro displays the Query menu and the Query toolbar or View designer toolbar.
  • Report Designer
    Use the Report designer to create and modify reports. When the Report designer window is active, Microsoft Visual FoxPro displays the Report menu and the Report Controls toolbar.
  • Table Designer
    Use the Table designer to create and modify database tables, free tables, fields, and indexes.
  • User Interface Reference
    User interface (UI) reference topics explain the options that appear on various dialog boxes, windows, and other user interfaces. These types of topics generally appear when you press F1 in a dialog box or window.
  • Developing Visual FoxPro Applications
    This section includes conceptual information about how to develop Visual FoxPro applications, instructions for creating databases and the user interface, and other tasks needed to create Visual FoxPro applications.
  • Programming in Visual FoxPro
    Visual FoxPro is a powerful interactive data management tool, but you also can access the full power of Visual FoxPro by creating applications. Understanding object-oriented programming techniques and the event-driven model can maximize your programming productivity.
  • Reference
    The Microsoft Visual FoxPro reference includes topics on productivity tools, as well as the controls, objects, properties, methods, events, statements, functions, and constants available.
  • Utility Programs
    These tools are provided with Microsoft Visual FoxPro to help speed the process of application development.