
IOleComponentUIManager.ShowHelp Method

Requests the display of Help information.

Namespace:  Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop
Assembly:  Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop (in Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop.dll)


Function ShowHelp ( _
    dwCompRole As UInteger, _
    ByRef rclsidComp As Guid, _
    posMouse As POINT, _
    dwHelpCmd As UInteger, _
    pszHelpFile As String, _
    dwData As UInteger _
) As Integer
Dim instance As IOleComponentUIManager
Dim dwCompRole As UInteger
Dim rclsidComp As Guid
Dim posMouse As POINT
Dim dwHelpCmd As UInteger
Dim pszHelpFile As String
Dim dwData As UInteger
Dim returnValue As Integer

returnValue = instance.ShowHelp(dwCompRole, _
    rclsidComp, posMouse, dwHelpCmd, _
    pszHelpFile, dwData)
int ShowHelp(
    uint dwCompRole,
    ref Guid rclsidComp,
    POINT posMouse,
    uint dwHelpCmd,
    string pszHelpFile,
    uint dwData
int ShowHelp(
    [InAttribute] unsigned int dwCompRole, 
    [InAttribute] Guid% rclsidComp, 
    [InAttribute] POINT posMouse, 
    [InAttribute] unsigned int dwHelpCmd, 
    [InAttribute] String^ pszHelpFile, 
    [InAttribute] unsigned int dwData
function ShowHelp(
    dwCompRole : uint, 
    rclsidComp : Guid, 
    posMouse : POINT, 
    dwHelpCmd : uint, 
    pszHelpFile : String, 
    dwData : uint
) : int


  • dwCompRole
    Type: System.UInt32

    [in] Role of the VSPackage object requesting the Help display. For a list of valid dwCompRole values, see OLEROLE.

  • rclsidComp
    Type: System.Guid%

    [in] Class identifier (CLSID) of the VSPackage object requesting the Help display.

  • dwHelpCmd
    Type: System.UInt32

    [in] Identifies the Help command to be invoked.

  • pszHelpFile
    Type: System.String

    [in] Points to the path to the Help file to be displayed.

  • dwData
    Type: System.UInt32

    [in] Data specific to the VSPackage object.

Return Value

Type: System.Int32

If the method succeeds, it returns S_OK. If it fails, it returns an error code.


COM Signature

From oleipc.idl:

HRESULT IOleComponentUIManager::ShowHelp(
   [in] DWORD dwCompRole,
   [in] REFCLSID rclsidComp,
   [in] POINT posMouse,
   [in] DWORD dwHelpCmd,
   [in] LPOLESTR pszHelpFile,
   [in] DWORD dwData

ShowHelp calls the legacy SVsHelpService service. VSPackages can access a newer service for help by calling QueryService and requesting SID_SVsHelp and IID_Help. You are handed a pointer to the Help interface. Then call the method that displays help: DisplayTopicFromId.


See Also


IOleComponentUIManager Interface

IOleComponentUIManager Members

Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop Namespace