
Automation for Configuration and Selected Item Objects

You can automate the build and selected item processes in Visual Studio environment.

Automation for Builds

Build or configuration has an automation model that is provided when you implement IVsCfgProvider. For more information, see Build Configurations.

The configuration settings are addressed exclusively through the automation model. In other words, if you create a VSPackage and wish to control configuration options, you must use the automation model to do it.

Automation for SelectedItem

It is not necessary to provide an implementation for the SelectedItem object. The environment contains a standard implementation. However, you can implement the SelectedItem object if you prefer. You need to implement an object that contains the SelectedItem interface and return a response to a call to the GetPropertyPage method with VSITEMID set to VSHPROPID_ExtSelectedItem.

AutomationObjects.h and AutomationObjects.cpp in the Basic Project and My C Package samples contain declarations and implementations of the following class.




Implements SelectedItem interface in BscPrj and MyCPrj only.

See Also


Contributing to the Automation Model

Build Configurations

