
<value> (Visual C++)

The <value> tag lets you describe a property and property accessor methods. Note that when you add a property with a code wizard in the Visual Studio integrated development environment, it will add a <summary> tag for the new property. You should then manually add a <value> tag to describe the value that the property represents.



  • property-description
    A description for the property.


Compile with /doc to process documentation comments to a file.


// xml_value_tag.cpp
// compile with: /LD /clr /doc
// post-build command: xdcmake xml_value_tag.dll
using namespace System;
/// Text for class Employee.
public ref class Employee {
   String ^ name;
   /// <value>Name accesses the value of the name data member</value>
   property String ^ Name {
      String ^ get() {
         return name; 
      void set(String ^ i) {
         name = i;

See Also

Other Resources

XML Documentation (Visual C++)