

Gets the name of the process hosting the program.

HRESULT GetHostName ( 
   BSTR*            pbstrHostName
int GetHostName ( 
   enum_GETHOSTNAME_TYPE dwHostNameType,
   out string            pbstrHostName


  • dwHostNameType
    [in] A value from the GETHOSTNAME_TYPE enumeration that specifies the type of name to return.

  • pbstrHostName
    [out] Returns the name of the hosting process.

Return Value

If successful, returns S_OK; otherwise, returns an error code.


The following example shows how to implement this method for a simple CProgram object that exposes the IDebugProgramNode2 interface. This example ignores the dwHostNameType parameter and returns only the name of the program as taken from the base name of the module's file path.

HRESULT CProgram::GetHostName(DWORD dwHostNameType, BSTR* pbstrHostName) {  
   // Check for valid argument.  
   if (pbstrHostName)  
      char szModule[_MAX_PATH];  
      // Attempt to assign to szModule the path for the file used
      // to create the calling process.  
      if (GetModuleFileName(NULL, szModule, sizeof (szModule)))  
         // If successful then declare several char arrays  
         char  szDrive[_MAX_DRIVE];  
         char  szDir[_MAX_DIR];  
         char  szName[_MAX_FNAME];  
         char  szExt[_MAX_EXT];  
         char  szFilename[_MAX_FNAME + _MAX_EXT];  
         WCHAR wszFilename[_MAX_FNAME + _MAX_EXT];  
         // Break the szModule path name into components.  
         _splitpath(szModule, szDrive, szDir, szName, szExt);  
         // Copy the base file name szName into szFilename.  
         lstrcpy(szFilename, szName);  
         // Append the field extension szExt into szFilename.  
         lstrcat(szFilename, szExt);  
         // Convert the szFilename sequence of multibyte characters  
         // to the wszFilename sequence of wide characters.  
         mbstowcs(wszFilename, szFilename, sizeof (wszFilename) / 2);  
         // Assign the wszFilename to the value at *pbstrHostName.  
         *pbstrHostName = SysAllocString(wszFilename);  
          return S_OK;  
    return E_INVALIDARG;  

See Also



