
CA1403: Auto layout types should not be COM visible


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Item Value
TypeName AutoLayoutTypesShouldNotBeComVisible
CheckId CA1403
Category Microsoft.Interoperability
Breaking Change Breaking


A Component Object Model (COM) visible value type is marked with the System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute attribute set to System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind.

Rule Description

LayoutKind layout types are managed by the common language runtime. The layout of these types can change between versions of the .NET Framework, which will break COM clients that expect a specific layout. Note that if the StructLayoutAttribute attribute is not specified, the C#, Visual Basic, and C++ compilers specify the LayoutKind layout for value types.

Unless marked otherwise, all public nongeneric types are visible to COM; all nonpublic and generic types are invisible to COM. However, to reduce false positives, this rule requires the COM visibility of the type to be explicitly stated; the containing assembly must be marked with the System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisibleAttribute set to false and the type must be marked with the ComVisibleAttribute set to true.

How to Fix Violations

To fix a violation of this rule, change the value of the StructLayoutAttribute attribute to LayoutKind or LayoutKind, or make the type invisible to COM.

When to Suppress Warnings

Do not suppress a warning from this rule.


The following example shows a type that violates the rule and a type that satisfies the rule.

using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

[assembly: ComVisible(false)]
namespace InteroperabilityLibrary
   // This violates the rule.
   public struct AutoLayout
      public int ValueOne;
      public int ValueTwo;

   // This satisfies the rule.
   public struct ExplicitLayout
      public int ValueOne;

      public  int ValueTwo;
Imports System
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices

<Assembly: ComVisibleAttribute(False)>
Namespace InteroperabilityLibrary

   ' This violates the rule.
   <StructLayoutAttribute(LayoutKind.Auto)> _ 
   <ComVisibleAttribute(True)> _ 
   Public Structure AutoLayout
      Dim ValueOne As Integer
      Dim ValueTwo As Integer 

   End Structure

   ' This satisfies the rule.
   <StructLayoutAttribute(LayoutKind.Explicit)> _ 
   <ComVisibleAttribute(True)> _ 
   Public Structure ExplicitLayout
      <FieldOffsetAttribute(0)> _ 
      Dim ValueOne As Integer

      <FieldOffsetAttribute(4)> _ 
      Dim ValueTwo As Integer 

   End Structure

End Namespace

CA1408: Do not use AutoDual ClassInterfaceType

See Also

Introducing the Class Interface Qualifying .NET Types for Interoperation Interoperating with Unmanaged Code