
Device protocol APIs

In Windows 8.1, all developers can use the device protocol APIs to write Windows Store apps that communicate with USB, Human Interface Devices (HID), Bluetooth GATT, and Bluetooth RFCOMM peripheral devices. This section covers topics that are common to all device protocol APIs. For more info about the USB, HID, and Bluetooth APIs, see Communicating with peripheral devices.

In this section

Topic Description

FAQs for USB, Bluetooth, and HID APIs

Here's some of the most frequently asked questions (FAQs) that people have when they start programming for USB, HID, or Bluetooth.

Troubleshooting USB, Bluetooth, and HID device access

This topic provides an overview of the device protocol APIs, introduces the DeviceAccessInformation class, and lists some possible causes of device access issues.


Writing apps for USB devices

Supporting human interface devices (HID)

Supporting Bluetooth devices

Windows Store device apps for internal devices