
InjectNtmsMedia Function

[Removable Storage Manager is no longer available as of Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2.]

The InjectNtmsMedia function allows media to be inserted into the port of the specified library. If the library is busy, RSM queues InjectNtmsMedia and returns success.


DWORD InjectNtmsMedia(
  __in   HANDLE hSession,
  __in   LPNTMS_GUID lpLibraryId,
  __out  LPNTMS_GUID lpInjectOperation,
  __in   DWORD dwAction


  • hSession [in]
    Handle to the session returned by the OpenNtmsSession function.

  • lpLibraryId [in]
    Unique identifier of a library object.

  • lpInjectOperation [out]
    GUID of the insert library operation. If dwAction is NTMS_INJECT_START, this parameter receives the GUID for the operation. If dwAction is NTMS_INJECT_STOP, this parameter must be set to the GUID for the operation to be stopped.

  • dwAction [in]
    This parameter can be one of the following values.

    Value Meaning

    Start the insert operation with a port. Media is repeatedly inserted until the time-out event occurs or the function is called again with NTMS_INJECT_STOP.


    Terminate the insertion process prior to the time-out event lapsing.


    Direct the library to retract the insert/eject port and check for media placed there by the operator.


    Direct the insert/eject port to open continually and check for media placed there by the operator. If a medium is found, the insert/eject port is reopened to receive more media.


Return Value

This function returns one of the following values.

Value Meaning

NTMS_CONTROL_ACCESS to the library is denied. Other security errors are also possible, but they would indicate a security subsystem error.


The database is inaccessible or damaged.


The database is full.


The library is disabled.


The session ID is missing or is not valid.


A Stop action was performed on an operation ID that was not valid.


The library ID or operation ID pointer is missing.


The library ID refers to an offline library that cannot eject media.


There was an allocation failure during processing.


The insert is queued.



This function returns to the application as soon as the insert request is queued.

If the library specified by the InjectNtmsMedia function does not have a port, use the AccessNtmsLibraryDoor function to insert and eject media.

This function cannot be used with the offline library.

Insert begins the process of inserting media into a library. Because libraries vary on the functionality of the NTMS_IEPORT object, each device may operate slightly differently. The following steps describe how RSM generally handles an inject:

Bb540685.wedge(en-us,VS.85).gifTo insert media into a library

  1. Allow/unlock/extend the NTMS_IEPORT.
  2. Poll for a full NTMS_IEPORT, a retracted NTMS_IEPORT, a Stop Inject command, or a time-out value. If none of these have occurred, continue to wait. (Multi-cartridge insert/eject ports are not scanned for full status.)
  3. When one of the preceding events occurs, the NTMS_IEPORT is locked, each medium in the NTMS_IEPORT is moved to a slot, and an identify medium command is queued for each medium.

If there are not enough slots for the media in the NTMS_IEPORT object, the media remains in the NTMS_IEPORT object and an Operator Request is posted to have media removed from the library.

If there are no free slots, the InjectNtmsMedia function receives an error.


Minimum supported client

Windows 2000 Professional

Minimum supported server

Windows 2000 Server

End of client support

Windows Vista

End of server support

Windows Server 2008







See Also

Library Control Functions




Send comments about this topic to Microsoft

Build date: 6/9/2011