DhcpServerPSProvider Provider
The DhcpServerPSProvider provider supports classes that interact with a dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP) server.
Dhcp Server Audit Log Configuration.
Dhcp Server Database Configuration.
Dhcp Server v4 Multicast Scope Statistics class.
Authorized Dhcp Server In DC.
Dhcp Server Settings.
Dhcp Server v4 Binding.
Contains information about the DHCP server class, version 4.
Dhcp Server v4 Dns Setting.
Dhcp Server v4 Exclusion Range.
Dhcp Server v4 Failover.
Dhcp Server v4 Filter.
Dhcp Server v4 Filter List.
Dhcp Server v4 IPRecords class.
Dhcp Server v4 Client Lease.
Dhcp Server v4 Multicast Exclusion Range
Dhcp Server v4 Multicast Lease
Dhcp Server v4 Multicast Scope class
Dhcp Server v4 Multicast Scope Statistics class.
Dhcp Server v4 Option Definition.
Dhcp Server v4 Option Value.
Dhcp Server v4Policy.
Dhcp Server v4Policy IPRange.
Dhcp Server v4 Reservation.
Dhcp Server v4 Scope.
Dhcp Server v4 Scope Statistics.
Dhcp Server v4 Statistics.
Dhcp Server v4 Superscope.
Dhcp Server v4 Superscope Statistics class.
Dhcp Server v6 Binding.
Contains information about the DHCP server class, version 6.
Dhcp Server v6 Dns Setting.
Dhcp Server v6 Exclusion Range.
Dhcp Server v6 Client Lease.
Dhcp Server v6 Option Definition.
Dhcp Server v6 Option Value.
Dhcp Server v6 Reservation.
Dhcp Server v6 Scope.
Dhcp Server v6 Scope Statistics.
Dhcp Server v6StatelessStatistics.
Dhcp Server v6StatelessStore.
Dhcp Server v6 Statistics.
Returns the software version of the DHCP Server.
Dhcp Server
Dhcp Server Log Configuration.
Dhcp Server Database Configuration.
PS_DhcpServerDnsCredential class.
Dhcp Server Security Group
Update DhcpServer settings.
Return all IPv4 Interface Bindings for a DHCP Server.
DhcpServerv4 user or vendor Class.
DhcpServer v4DnsSetting.
DhcpServer v4Failover.
Dhcp Server v4FailoverReplication.
Dhcp Server v4Failover Scope.
DhcpServer v4Filter
DhcpServer v4FilterList.
Dhcp Server v4FreeIPAddress.
Dhcp Server v4 IP Record class.
DhcpServer v4Lease.
PS_DhcpServerv4MulticastExclusionRange class.
PS_DhcpServerv4MulticastLease class.
PS_DhcpServerv4MulticastScopeStatistics class.
Dhcp Server v4Policy
Dhcp Server v4Policy IPRange.
Retrieves, updates, or removes an IPv4 reservation for a DHCP server.
Returns IPv4 Scope statistics corresponding to the IPv4 Scope IDs specified for a DHCP Server. Returns statistics for all IPv4 Scopes if no Scope ID is specified.
DhcpServerv4 Statistics
Dhcp Server v4 Superscope Statistics class.
Return all IPv6 Interface Bindings for a DHCP Server.
Dhcp Server v6Class
DhcpServer v6DnsSetting
Dhcp Server v6FreeIPAddress
DhcpServer v6Lease
add a scope
Returns IPv6 Prefix statistics corresponding to the IPv6 Prefix specified for a DHCP Server. Returns statistics for all IPv6 Prefixes if no Prefix is specified.
Dhcp Server v6StatelessStatistics
Dhcp Server v6StatelessStore.
DhcpServerv6 Statistics.
Returns the software version of the DHCP Server.