
FPCContentTypeSet collection

Applies to: desktop apps only

The FPCContentTypeSet collection can hold a list of MIME content types and file name extensions for Web content. Multiple MIME content types can specified in a single element of this collection using an asterisk (*) as a wildcard character. For example, application/* includes all application types.

The following predefined content type sets are supplied with Forefront TMG:

  • Application
  • Application Data Files
  • Audio
  • Compressed Files
  • Documents
  • HTML Documents
  • Images
  • Macro Documents
  • Text
  • Video
  • VRML

A content type set can include file name extensions. For example, the default Audio content type set includes the file name extensions .aif, .aifc, .au, .m3u, .mid, .mp3, .ra, .ram, .rmi, .snd, and .wav. The file name extensions that are included in a content type set can be changed by calling the Add and Remove methods of the FPCContentTypeSet collection.

To configure granular security policies, access rules can be limited to specific MIME content types or file name extensions by setting their AppliesToContent Method property to fpcAppliesToSpecifiedContent and including references to the applicable content type sets in the FPCRefs collection held in their ContentTypeSetsUsed property. Content type sets can be referenced only in access rules that apply to HTTP and tunneled FTP traffic and are not applicable to any other protocols (for example, HTTPS).

When a Web proxy client specifies the HTTP or FTP protocol in a URL request and an access rule allows access to the destination, the Forefront TMG Web proxy forwards the request to the Web server. When a response is provided by the Web server, the Web proxy re-examines the access rules to determine whether there is an access rule that references a content type set containing the MIME content type specified in a Content-Type header in the response or its file name extension. If such a rule is found, the Web proxy performs its action. For requests that specify the HTTP protocol, only the responses can contain Content-Type headers. Responses to requests that specify the FTP protocol do not contain Content-Type headers, but the MIME content type of a response containing a folder listing is defined as text/html. For both protocols, the file name extension is checked only for responses that do not have a defined MIME content type.

The names of content type sets are also specified as the names of parameters in a specific FPCVendorParametersSet object associated with the Link Translation Filter add-in to indicate the Content-Type headers for which link translation should be applied to the message body when link translation is enabled.

The content type sets for which HTTP compression is enabled or disabled are specified by including references to the applicable FPCContentTypeSet collections in the FPCRefs collection held in the CompressibleContentTypeSets property of the FPCHTTPCompressionConfiguration object.

Preconfigured content type sets are defined on the enterprise level, and enterprise administrators can create additional enterprise-level content type sets. Enterprise-level content type sets can be used in array-level access rules and in enterprise-level access rules. Array-level content types can be used only in access rules for the array in which they are defined.

The FPCContentTypeSet collection is an element of an FPCContentTypeSets collection, and a new object representing an additional content type set can be created using the Add method of the FPCContentTypeSets collection.

The FPCContentTypeSet collection is accessed as a separate object that is not an element of an FPCContentTypeSets collection through the following properties:

Ff824649.bkbutton(en-us,VS.85).png Click here to see the Forefront TMG object hierarchy.


This collection inherits from the FPCPersist object, which contains methods and properties related to the persistent storage of an object's data. They include methods for exporting an object's data to and importing it from an XML document.


The FPCContentTypeSet collection has these types of members:

  • Methods
  • Properties


The FPCContentTypeSet collection has these methods.

Method Description

Adds a new MIME content type or file name extension to the content type set.


Retrieves the requested MIME content type or file name extension from the content type set.


Removes the specified MIME content type or file name extension from the content type set.


Removes all of the MIME content types and file name extensions from the content type set.



The FPCContentTypeSet collection has these properties.

Property Access type Description



Gets an enumerator object for the collection.



Gets the total number of MIME content types and file name extensions in the content type set.



Gets or sets the description of the content type set.



Gets or sets the name of the content type set.



Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the content type set is a predefined content type set that was created during the installation of Forefront TMG and cannot be deleted.


Methods Inherited from FPCPersist

Name Description
CancelWaitForChanges Cancels the registration established by the WaitForChanges method (for use in C and C++ programming only).
CanImport Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the collection's properties and elements can be imported from the specified XML document.
Export Writes the stored values of the collection's properties and elements to the specified XML document.
ExportToFile Writes the stored values of the collection's properties and elements to the specified XML file.
GetServiceRestartMask Retrieves a 32-bit bitmask of the FpcServices enumerated type that specifies which services need to be restarted for currently unsaved changes to take effect.
Import Copies the values of the collection's properties and elements from the specified XML document to persistent storage.
ImportFromFile Copies the values of the collection's properties and elements from the specified XML file to persistent storage.
LoadDocProperties Provides the XML document's properties so that you can know what information can be imported from the document.
Refresh Reads the values of the collection's properties and elements from persistent storage, overwriting any changes that have not been saved.
Save Writes the current values of the collection's properties and elements to persistent storage.
WaitForChanges Registers to wait for an event indicating that the contents of the object have changed (for use in C and C++ programming only).


Properties Inherited from FPCPersist

Name Description
PersistentName Gets the persistent name of the collection. The persistent name of an object is a name that is unique for the object at the respective level of the COM object hierarchy.
VendorParameterSets Gets an FPCVendorParametersSets collection that can hold sets of custom data for extending the collection.


Interfaces for C++ Programming

This collection implements the IFPCContentTypeSet and IFPCContentTypeSet2 interfaces.


Minimum supported client

Windows Vista, None supported

Minimum supported server

Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2008 with SP2 (64-bit only)


Forefront Threat Management Gateway (TMG) 2010



See also

COM Objects



Build date: 7/12/2010