Creating a Schema Rowset
This example creates a schema rowset that represents the dimensions schema. IDBSchemaRowset returns an IRowset interface pointer for the schema rowset.
HRESULT MDPSchemaSample(IDBSchemaRowset* pIDBSchemaRowset,
IUnknown** ppIUnknown)
assert(*ppIUnknown == NULL);
hr = pIUnknown->QueryInterface(IID_IDBSchemaRowset,
(void **) &pIDBSchemaRowset);
// Get a list of the schemas supported by the provider.
GUID *rgSchemas = NULL;
ULONG *rgRestrictionSupport = NULL;
ULONG cSchemas;
hr = pIDBSchemaRowset->GetSchemas( &cSchemas, &rgSchemas,
&rgRestrictionSupport );
// Create a rowset that represents the dimensions. Check whether
// MDSCHEMA_DIMENSIONS is in the list returned by GetSchemas.
ULONG cRestrictions = 0;
BOOL bSchemaSupported = FALSE;
for (ULONG i=0; i < cSchemas; i++)
if (rgSchemas[i] == MDSCHEMA_DIMENSIONS)
bSchemaSupported = TRUE;
cRestrictions = rgRestrictionSupport[i];
if (bSchemaSupported)
IDBCreateCommand *pIDBCreateCommand = NULL;
// Initialize the restrictions.
for (ULONG j=0; j < cRestrictions; j++)
VariantInit( &rgRestrictions[j] );
rgRestrictions[CUBE_NAME].bstrVal =
SysAllocString(L"Video Store Sales");
rgRestrictions[CUBE_NAME].vt = VT_BSTR;
rgRestrictions[DIMENSION_NAME].bstrVal =
SysAllocString( L"Customer Location");
rgRestrictions[DIMENSION_NAME].vt = VT_BSTR;
// Create a schema rowset for the "Customer Location" dimension.
hr = pIDBSchemaRowset->GetRowset(NULL, MDSCHEMA_DIMENSIONS,
cRestrictions, rgRestrictions, IID_IRowset, 0, NULL,
(IUnknown **)ppIUnknown );
// Free the restrictions.
for (j=0; j < cRestrictions; j++)
if (rgSchemas) CoTaskMemFree(rgSchemas);
if (rgRestrictionSupport) CoTaskMemFree(rgRestrictionSupport);
if (pIDBSchemaRowset) pIDBSchemaRowset->Release();
return hr;