Writes out the specified start tag and associates it with the specified namespace.
HRESULT WriteStartElement (
const WCHAR * pwszPrefix,
const WCHAR * pwszLocalname,
const WCHAR * pwszNamespaceUri);
The namespace prefix of the element. A NULL value is equivalent to an empty string.
The local name of the element. A NULL value is not valid.
The namespace URI of the element. NULL is equivalent to an empty string.
Return Value
Returns S_OK if no error is generated.
After calling this method, an application can either write attributes or write content. To write content, use WriteComment, WriteString, or WriteStartElement
A program must call WriteEndElement to close the element. The WriteEndElement
method might write a full end tag, or it might close the element using the short form. The WriteFullEndElement method always writes a full end tag.
For example, the following code creates an element:
if (FAILED(hr = pWriter->WriteStartElement(NULL, L"containsEntity", NULL)))
wprintf(L"Error, Method: WriteStartElement, error is %08.8lx", hr);
return -1;
if (FAILED(hr = pWriter->WriteEntityRef(L"myEntity")))
wprintf(L"Error, Method: WriteEntityRef, error is %08.8lx", hr);
return -1;
if (FAILED(hr = pWriter->WriteEndElement()))
wprintf(L"Error, Method: WriteEndElement, error is %08.8lx", hr);
return -1;
For a more detailed example of the WriteStartElement
method, see Writing an XML Document Using XmlLite.
Header: XmlLite.h
Library: XmlLite.lib