
DEVMODE (Windows CE 5.0)

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This structure contains information about a printer environment and device initialization.

typedefstruct_devicemode{WCHARdmDeviceName[CCHDEVICENAME];WORDdmSpecVersion;WORDdmDriverVersion;WORDdmSize;WORDdmDriverExtra;DWORDdmFields;shortdmOrientation;shortdmPaperSize;shortdmPaperLength;shortdmPaperWidth;shortdmScale;shortdmCopies;shortdmDefaultSource;shortdmPrintQuality;shortdmColor;shortdmDuplex;shortdmYResolution;shortdmTTOption;shortdmCollate;BCHARdmFormName[CCHFORMNAME];WORDdmLogPixels;DWORDdmBitsPerPel;DWORDdmPelsWidth;DWORDdmPelsHeight;DWORDdmDisplayFlags;DWORDdmDisplayFrequency;DWORD dmDisplayOrientation;}DEVMODE;


  • dmDeviceName
    String that specifies the friendly name of the printer.

    This string is unique among device drivers.

    This name can be truncated to fit in the dmDeviceName array.

  • dmSpecVersion
    Unsupported; set to zero.

  • dmDriverVersion
    Unsupported; set to zero.

  • dmSize
    WORD that specifies the size, in bytes, of the DEVMODE structure, not including any private driver-specific data that can follow the public members of the structure.

    Set this member to sizeof(DEVMODE) to indicate the version of the DEVMODE structure being used.

  • dmDriverExtra
    Contains the number of bytes of private driver-data that follow this structure.

    If a device driver does not use device-specific information, set this member to zero.

  • dmFields
    DWORD that specifies whether certain members of the DEVMODE structure have been initialized.

    If a member is initialized, its corresponding bit is set, otherwise the bit is clear.

    A printer driver supports only those member of the DEVMODE structure that are appropriate for the printer technology.

    The following table shows the possible values.

    Value Description
    DM_ORIENTATION The dmOrientation member is initialized.
    DM_PAPERSIZE The dmPaperSize member is initialized.
    DM_COPIES The dmCopies member is initialized.
    DM_PRINTQUALITY The dmPrintQuality member is initialized.
    DM_COLOR The dmColor member is initialized.
    DM_BITSPERPEL The dmBitsPerPel member is initialized.
    DM_PELSWIDTH The dmPelsWidth member is initialized.
    DM_PELSHEIGHT The dmPelsHeight member is initialized.
    DM_DISPLAYORIENTATION The ChangeDisplaySetttingsEx function should set or obtain the current screen orientation in the dmDisplayOrientation member.
    DM_DISPLAYQUERYORIENTATION The ChangeDisplaySetttingsEx function should query the display driver to determine whether it supports screen rotation.
  • dmOrientation
    Short integer that specifies the orientation of the paper for printer devices.

    The following table shows the possible values.

    Value Description
    DMORIENT_LANDSCAPE Prints in landscape orientation.
    DMORIENT_PORTRAIT Prints in portrait orientation.
  • dmPaperSize
    Short integer that specifies the size of the paper for printer devices.

    This following table shows the possible predefined values.

    Value Description
    DMPAPER_A4 A4 sheet, 210 millimeters by 297 millimeters
    DMPAPER_B4 B4 sheet, 250 millimeters by 354 millimeters
    DMPAPER_B5 B5 sheet, 182 millimeters by 257 millimeters
    DMPAPER_LEGAL Legal, 8 1/2 inches by 14 inches
    DMPAPER_LETTER Letter, 8 1/2 inches by 11 inches
  • dmPaperLength
    Unsupported; set to zero.

  • dmPaperWidth
    Unsupported; set to zero.

  • dmScale
    Unsupported; set to zero.

  • dmCopies
    Short integer that specifies the number of copies that you want to print, if the device supports printing multiple copies.

  • dmDefaultSource
    Unsupported; set to zero.

  • dmPrintQuality
    Short integer that specifies the printer resolution.

    The following table shows the possible predefined device-independent values.

    Value Description
    DMRES_DRAFT Draft quality
    DMRES_HIGH High quality
  • dmColor
    Short integer that specifies color or monochrome printing on color printers.

    The following table shows the possible values.

    Value Description
    DMCOLOR_COLOR Color printing
    DMCOLOR_MONOCHROME Monochrome printing
  • dmDuplex
    Unsupported; set to zero.

  • dmYResolution
    Unsupported; set to zero.

  • dmTTOption
    Unsupported; set to zero.

  • dmCollate
    Unsupported; set to zero.

  • dmFormName
    Unsupported; set to zero.

  • dmLogPixels
    Unsupported; set to zero.

  • dmBitsPerPel
    DWORD that specifies the color resolution, in bits per pixel, of the display device; for example, 4 bits for 16 colors, 8 bits for 256 colors, or 16 bits for 65,536 colors.

    Display drivers use this member, but printer drivers do not.

  • dmPelsWidth
    DWORD that specifies the width, in pixels, of the visible device surface.

    Display drivers use this member, but printer drivers do not.

  • dmPelsHeight
    DWORD that specifies the height, in pixels, of the visible device surface.

    Display drivers use this member, but printer drivers do not.

  • dmDisplayFlags
    Unsupported; set to zero.

  • dmDisplayFrequency
    Unsupported; set to zero.

  • dmDisplayOrientation
    DWORD that specifies the orientation of the screen.

    The following table shows the possible values.

    Value Description
    DMDO_0 The screen is rotated by 0 degrees.
    DMDO_90 The screen is rotated by 90 degrees counterclockwise.
    DMDO_180 The screen is rotated by 180 degrees.
    DMDO_270 The screen is rotated by 270 degrees counterclockwise.


The private data for a device driver follows the public portion of the DEVMODE structure.

The size of the public data can vary for different versions of the structure.

The dmSize member specifies the number of bytes of public data.

You should initialize all unsupported members with a value of zero.


OS Versions: Windows CE 2.0 and later.
Header: Windows.h.

See Also

ChangeDisplaySettingsEx | CreateDC | GDI Structures

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