

This function is called by the kernel to get the time from the real-time clock.

  BOOL OEMGetRealTime (


  • lpst
    [out] Pointer to the SYSTEMTIME structure that contains the current time.

Return Values

TRUE indicates success; FALSE indicates failure.


This function must be reentrant and, thus, must protect the hardware from multiple accesses.

In order to be Y2K compliant, ensure the system clock is correct by calling GetSystemTime and SetSystemTime. These functions in turn call the OAL real-time clock functions that need to be tested for compliance. Testing includes attempting to set various dates and then checking the result of these attempts.

In the OAL code, store the year value such that it supports a 100-year range---that is, 1950-2050.


Runs on Versions Defined in Include Link to
Windows CE OS 2.10 and later Nkintr.h    

See Also

, GetTickCount,,