

This function sends a specified message over the Ethernet debug interface.

  BOOL EdbgSend(
UCHAR *pUserData ,
DWORD dwUserDataLen );


  • Id
    [in] Identifier of the EDBG client (returned from EdbgRegisterClient).
  • pUserData
    [in] Unsigned character that contains the data to send.
  • dwUserDataLen
    [in] DWORD that specifies the length in bytes of *pUserData (maximum allowed size is specified by EDBG_MAX_DATA_SIZE).

Return Values

TRUE indicates success. FALSE indicates failure.


EdbgSend returns immediately unless the transmit window is full or the EDBG subsystem is in polling mode, in which case this function suspends. Once sent, the message is retried by the EDBG subsystem until it is acknowledged by other side.

This function is implemented in the Edbg.dll that is loaded by an application on the development workstation; it is also implemented in Ethdbg.lib, which is linked into the kernel on the target device.


Runs on Versions Defined in Include Link to
Windows CE OS 2.10 and later Ethdbg.h   Ethdbg.lib, Edbg.dll

See Also

EdbgRecv, EdbgRegisterClient (Development Workstation), EdbgRegisterClient (Target Device)