
Character Classification (Windows CE 5.0)

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Developing an Application > Microsoft C Run-time Library for Windows CE > Run-time Routines by Category

Character classification routines test a specified single-byte character or wide character for satisfaction of a condition. Generally these routines execute faster than tests you might write.

For example, the following code executes slower than a call to isalpha(c):

if ((c >= 'A') && (c <= 'Z')) || ((c >= 'a') && (c <= 'z'))
    return TRUE;

The following table shows the conditions tested by character classification routines.

Routine Character Test Condition
__isascii, iswascii Determines if character is ASCII.
_isctype, iswctype Determines if character is a property specified by parameter.
isalnum, iswalnum Determines if character is alphanumeric.
isalpha, iswalpha Determines if character is alphabetic.
iscntrl, iswcntrl Determines if character is a control.
isdigit, iswdigit Determines if character is a decimal digit
isgraph, iswgraph Determines if character is printable, other than space.
islower, iswlower Determines if character is lowercase.
isprint, iswprint Determines if character is printable.
ispunct, iswpunct Determines if character is punctuation.
isspace, iswspace Determines if character is white-space.
isupper, iswupper Determines if character is uppercase.
isxdigit, iswxdigit Determines if character is a hexadecimal digit.

See Also

Microsoft C Run-time Library for Windows CE | Run-time Library Reference

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