
Remote Desktop Protocol (Windows CE 5.0)

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The Remote Desktop Protocol implementation for Microsoft Windows CE allows you to connect remotely to a desktop computer running Windows XP Professional, or a server running Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0, Terminal Server Edition or later.

In This Section

  • RDP OS Design Development
    Provides information to help you design an OS that works with RDP. Includes an overview of RDP and information about running Windows CE Terminal Services Client (CETSC). CETSC is software that enables the Windows CE-based device to access Windows-based applications on the Terminal Server. CETSC manages the user interface, and is derived from the Microsoft Terminal Services Client (MSTSC) found on Windows-based desktop systems.
  • RDP Application Development
    Provides information to help you design an application that works with RDP. Includes information about Terminal Services sessions, RDP support in Windows CE, implementing virtual channels, and programming guidelines.
  • RDP How-to Topics
    Provides step-by-step instructions about how to use Microsoft Platform Builder to create a customized Microsoft Windows CE-based remote-desktop terminal that can be accessed using support for Microsoft Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP).
  • RDP Registry Settings
    Defines the registry parameters used to configure RDP.
  • RDP Security
    Provides security information regarding RDP and best practices for implementation.
  • RDP Best Practices
    Provides general best practices for RDP.
  • RDP Performance
    Provides information about RDP performance.
  • RDP Migration
    Presents information that is important to know if you are migrating from one version of Windows CE to another, migrating to RDP 5.1, or migrating to RDP 5.2.
  • RDP Samples
    Contains descriptions of code samples that show how to use RDP.
  • RDP Reference
    Contains descriptions of RDP programming elements.
  • Thin Client Design Template
    Provides the starting point for creating remote-desktop terminals through support for Microsoft RDP. This thin client is a minimal version of Microsoft Windows CE that includes the core operating system (OS) and technologies necessary to support a Remote Desktop device.

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