
PASSWORD (Windows CE 5.0)

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The PASSWORD module configures and implements client password settings for the Remote Configuration Framework.

The following table shows the configurable settings for PASSWORD.

Value : Type Access Index Description
PasswordEmpty : DWORD Read-only Not applicable If no Admin password has been set, this value will be set to 1. If an Admin password has been set, this value will not be present.
PasswordSet : DWORD Read-only Not applicable If an Admin password has been set, this value will be set to 1. If an Admin password has not been set, this value will not be present.
PWD : STRING Write-only Not applicable Specifies the value of the new password.
PWDVERIFY : STRING Write-only Not applicable Specifies the verification value of the new password.
PWDOLD : STRING Write-only Not applicable Specifies the value of the old password.
SECURITYLEVEL : STRING Write-only Not applicable If this value is set to ENABLED, then the Web server will require authentication.

Security Note   This value should always be set when the password is set.

See Also

Remote Configuration Framework Modules

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