
Tutorial Step 3: Inserting a Link (Windows CE 5.0)

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After creating a Catalog item type and a Catalog item implementation, you can add links to the implementation that provide additional information used when the Catalog item is included in a run-time image.

This information can include the following:

  • The location of additional Help documentation for the Catalog item
  • The location of the Catalog item source files
  • The location of a Platform Builder project (.pbpxml) file

The following procedures show you how to add two links to your My Catalog Item implementation, a source browsing link and a documentation link. For more information about elements of a build method, see BuildMethod Block.

To add a source browsing link

The following procedure shows you how to add a source browsing link to the implementation, which enables you to browse the source code for the Catalog item in Platform Builder.

  1. In the left pane of the CEC Editor window, select the My Catalog Item node.

  2. From the Insert menu, choose Source Browsing Link.

    The Insert Source Browsing Link dialog box appears.

  3. In the Build File box, enter or browse to the location of the source code files for the Catalog item.

    File types you can enter include sources, dirs, and makefile (.mak) files.

  4. In the Display Name box, enter a friendly name to display in Platform Builder.

To add a documentation link

The following procedure shows you how to add a documentation link to the implementation.

  1. In the left pane of the CEC Editor window, select the My Catalog Item node.

  2. From the Insert menu, choose Documentation Link.

    The Insert Help File Link dialog box appears.

  3. Enter or browse to the path and name of an HTML Help (.chm) file to associate with the Catalog item.

  4. Choose OK.

  5. From the File menu, choose Save.

    You have added links to the My Item implementation that you created.

You can now add your .cec file to the Catalog.

See Also

Tutorial Step 4: Adding Support Information for a Catalog Item | Tutorial Step 2: Adding an Implementation | Tutorial: Creating a Catalog Item and Adding It to an OS Design | Catalog Customization | Miscellaneous Environment Variables

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