
Theme Hit Test Values (Windows CE 5.0)

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The following table shows values to pass in the dwWord parameter of the HitTestThemeBackground function

Option Value Description
HTTB_BACKGROUNDSEG 0x0000 Theme background segment hit test option.

The following table shows the possible values received in the pwHitTestCode parameter of the HitTestThemeBackground function.

Option Return Value Description
HTTB_BACKGROUNDSEG HTBOTTOM Hit test succeeded in the bottom border segment.
  HTBOTTOMLEFT Hit test succeeded in the bottom and left border intersection.
  HTBOTTOMRIGHT Hit test succeeded in the bottom and right border intersection.
  HTCLIENT Hit test succeeded in the middle background segment.
  HTLEFT Hit test succeeded in the left border segment.
  HTNOWHERE Hit test succeeded outside the control or on a transparent area.
  HTRIGHT Hit test succeeded in the right border segment.
  HTTOP Hit test succeeded in the top border segment.
  HTTOPLEFT Hit test succeeded in top and left border intersection.
  HTTOPRIGHT Hit test succeeded in the top and right border intersection.

See Also

Theme Support Reference

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