
Using Animation Controls (Windows CE 5.0)

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This section provides examples that demonstrate how to create an animation control and display an AVI clip in the control.

Creating an Animation Control

The following function creates an animation control in a dialog box. The animation control is positioned below the specified control, and the dimensions of the animation control are based on the dimensions of a frame in the AVI clip.

// CreateAnimationCtrl - creates an animation control, positions it 
//                       below the specified control in a dialog box, 
//                       and opens the AVI clip for the animation control. 
// Returns the handle to the animation control. 
// hwndDlg             - handle to the dialog box. 
// nIDCtl              - identifier of the control below which the animation control 
//                       is to be positioned. 
// Constants 
//     IDC_ANIMATE - identifier of the animation control. 
//     CX_FRAME, CY_FRAME - width and height of the frames 
//     in the AVI clip. 

HWND CreateAnimationCtrl(HWND hwndDlg, int nIDCtl) 
    HWND hwndAnim = NULL; 
    RECT rc; 
    POINT pt; 

    // Create the animation control. 
    hwndAnim = Animate_Create(hwndDlg, IDC_ANIMATE, 
        WS_BORDER | WS_CHILD, g_hinst); 

    // Get the screen coordinates of the specified control button. 
    GetWindowRect(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, nIDCtl), &rc); 

    // Convert the coordinates of the lower-left corner to 
    // client coordinates. 
    pt.x = rc.left; 
    pt.y = rc.bottom; 
    ScreenToClient(hwndDlg, &pt); 

    // Position the animation control below the Stop button. 
    SetWindowPos(hwndAnim, 0, pt.x, pt.y + 20, 
        CX_FRAME, CY_FRAME, 

    // Open the AVI clip, and show the animation control. 
    Animate_Open(hwndAnim, "SEARCH.AVI"); 
    ShowWindow(hwndAnim, SW_SHOW); 

    return hwndAnim; 

Controlling the AVI Clip

The following function uses the animation control macros to control the display of the AVI clip in an animation control.

// DoAnimation - plays, stops, or closes an animation control's 
//               AVI clip, depending on the value of an action flag. 
// hwndAnim    - handle to an animation control 
// nAction     - flag that determines whether to play, stop, or close 
//               the AVI clip. 

void DoAnimation(HWND hwndAnim, int nAction) 
    switch (nAction) { 
        case PLAYIT: 
         // Play the clip continuously starting with the 
         // first frame. 
            Animate_Play(hwndAnim, 0, -1, -1); 

        case STOPIT: 

        case CLOSEIT: 





See Also

Animation Controls

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