
Combo Boxes Messages (Windows CE 5.0)

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The following table shows the combo box messages, with a description of the purpose of each.

Programming element Description
CB_ADDSTRING This message is sent by an application to add a string to the list box of a combo box.
CB_DELETESTRING This message is sent by an application to delete a string in the list box of a combo box.
CB_FINDSTRING This message is sent by an application to search the list box of a combo box for an item beginning with the characters in a specified string.
CB_FINDSTRINGEXACT This message is sent by an application to find the first list box string in a combo box that matches the string specified in the lpszFind parameter.
CB_GETCOMBOBOXINFO This message is sent by an application to retrieve information about the specified combo box.
CB_GETCOUNT This message is sent by an application to retrieve the number of items in the list box of a combo box.
CB_GETCURSEL This message is sent by an application to retrieve the index of the currently selected item, if any, in the list box of a combo box.
CB_GETDROPPEDCONTROLRECT This message is sent by an application to retrieve the screen coordinates of the drop-down list box of a combo box.
CB_GETDROPPEDSTATE This message is sent by an application to determine whether the list box of a combo box is dropped down.
CB_GETDROPPEDWIDTH This message is sent by an application to retrieve the minimum allowable width, in pixels, of the list box of a combo box with the CBS_DROPDOWN or CBS_DROPDOWNLIST style.
CB_GETEDITSEL This message is sent by an application to get the starting and ending character positions of the current selection in the edit control of a combo box.
CB_GETEXTENDEDUI This message is sent by an application to determine whether a combo box has the default user interface or the extended user interface.
CB_GETHORIZONTALEXTENT This message is sent by an application to retrieve from a combo box the width, in pixels, by which the list box can be scrolled horizontally (the scrollable width).
CB_GETITEMDATA This message is sent by an application to a combo box to retrieve the application-supplied 32-bit value associated with the specified item in the combo box.
CB_GETITEMHEIGHT This message is sent by an application to determine the height of list items or the selection field in a combo box.
CB_GETLBTEXT This message is sent by an application to retrieve a string from the list of a combo box.
CB_GETLBTEXTLEN This message is sent by an application to retrieve the length, in characters, of a string in the list of a combo box.
CB_GETLOCALE This message is sent by an application to retrieve the current locale of the combo box.
CB_GETTOPINDEX This message is sent by an application to retrieve the zero-based index of the first visible item in the list box portion of a combo box.
CB_INITSTORAGE This message is sent by an application before adding a large number of items to the list box portion of a combo box.
CB_INSERTSTRING This message is sent by an application to insert a string into the list box of a combo box.
CB_LIMITTEXT This message is sent by an application to limit the length of the text the user may type into the edit control of a combo box.
CB_RESETCONTENT This message is sent by an application to remove all items from the list box and edit control of a combo box.
CB_SELECTSTRING This message is sent by an application to search the list of a combo box for an item that begins with the characters in a specified string.
CB_SETCURSEL This message is sent by an application to select a string in the list of a combo box.
CB_SETDROPPEDWIDTH This message is sent by an application to set the maximum allowable width, in pixels, of the list box of a combo box with the CBS_DROPDOWN or CBS_DROPDOWNLIST style.
CB_SETEDITSEL This message is sent by an application to select characters in the edit control of a combo box.
CB_SETEXTENDEDUI This message is sent by an application to select either the default user interface or the extended user interface for a combo box that has the CBS_DROPDOWN or CBS_DROPDOWNLIST style.
CB_SETHORIZONTALEXTENT This message is sent by an application to set the width, in pixels, by which a list box can be scrolled horizontally (the scrollable width).
CB_SETITEMDATA This message is sent by an application to set the 32-bit value associated with the specified item in a combo box.
CB_SETITEMHEIGHT This message is sent by an application to set the height of list items or the selection field in a combo box.
CB_SETLOCALE This message is sent by an application to set the current locale of the combo box.
CB_SETTOPINDEX This message is sent by an application to ensure that a particular item is visible in the list box of a combo box.
CB_SHOWDROPDOWN This message is sent by an application to show or hide the list box of a combo box that has the CBS_DROPDOWN or CBS_DROPDOWNLIST style.
CBN_CLOSEUP This message is sent when the list box of a combo box has been closed.
CBN_DBLCLK This message is sent when the user double-clicks a string in the list box of a combo box.
CBN_DROPDOWN This message is sent when the list box of a combo box is about to be made visible.
CBN_EDITCHANGE This message is sent after the user has taken an action that may have altered the text in the edit control portion of a combo box.
CBN_EDITUPDATE This message is sent when the edit control portion of a combo box is about to display altered text.
CBN_ERRSPACE This message is sent when a combo box cannot allocate enough memory to meet a specific request.
CBN_KILLFOCUS This message is sent when a combo box loses the keyboard focus.
CBN_SELCHANGE This message is sent when the selection in the list box of a combo box is about to be changed as a result of the user either clicking in the list box or changing the selection by using the arrow keys.
CBN_SELENDCANCEL This message is sent when the user selects an item, but then selects another control or closes the dialog box.
CBN_SELENDOK This message is sent when the user clicks a list item, or selects an item and then closes the list.
CBN_SETFOCUS This message is sent when a combo box receives the keyboard focus.
WM_DRAWITEM This message is sent to the owner window of an owner-drawn button or menu when a visual aspect of the button or menu has changed.
WM_MEASUREITEM This message is sent to the owner window of an owner-drawn button or menu item when the control or menu is created.

See Also

Combo Boxes Reference

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