
PAINTSTRUCT (Windows CE 5.0)

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This structure contains information that an application uses to paint the client area of a window owned by that application.



  • hdc
    Handle to the display DC to be used for painting.

  • fErase
    Boolean that specifies whether the background must be erased.

    This value is nonzero if the application should erase the background.

    The application is responsible for erasing the background if a window class is created without a background brush.

    For more information about backgrounds, see the description of the hbrBackground member of the WNDCLASS structure.

  • rcPaint
    Specifies a RECT structure that specifies the upper left and lower right corners of the rectangle in which the painting is requested.

  • fRestore
    Reserved; used internally by the system.

  • fIncUpdate
    Reserved; used internally by the system.

  • rgbReserved
    Reserved; used internally by the system.


OS Versions: Windows CE 1.0 and later.
Header: Winuser.h.

See Also

BeginPaint | RECT | WNDCLASS

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