
Modifying an OS Design Migration (Windows CE 5.0)

In Microsoft Windows CE 5.0, the functionality for modifying an OS design has changed from earlier versions of Platform Builder. If you are unfamiliar with Windows CE, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the content in the Tutorials.

Migrating from Windows CE .NET

  • Sysgen variables have been updated. For more information, see Sysgen Variables.

  • Environment variables have been updated. For information about valid environment variables in Windows CE 5.0, see Environment Variables.

  • Custom build functionality has been updated.

    You can use the new Custom Build Actions tab on the Platform Settings dialog box to specify custom build actions that are performed during the build process. For more information, see Platform Settings: Custom Build Actions Tab.

    On this dialog box, you can also use the new Image Settings tab to specify run-time image settings for user-created projects included in your workspace. For more information, see Platform Settings: Image Settings Tab.

See Also

Modifying an OS Design | Migrating from an Earlier Version of Windows CE

Last updated on Thursday, February 02, 2006

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