
/FR, /Fr - Generate Browser Files (Windows CE 5.0)

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These options create files with an .sbr extension; only one option is required. The Microsoft Browser Database Maintenance Utility (BSCMAKE) uses an .sbr file to generate a database file with a .bsc extension. This is the file used by the Source Browser.


An .sbr file contains symbolic information about your program. The /FR option generates complete symbolic information in the .sbr file. The /Fr option generates symbolic information without information on local variables.

By default, both options generate a file name that uses the base name of the source file and appends an .sbr extension. Use the filename argument to provide a name other than the default; an .sbr extension is required. No space is allowed between either the /FR or the /Fr option and the filename argument.

The following code example compiles and links the source file Qsort.c and generates a file named Newsort.sbr. The compiler then packs the .sbr file.


See Also

Compiler Options

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