
Project Settings: C/C++ Tab (Windows CE 5.0)

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This tab displays settings for C/C++ files in user-created projects. You can configure these settings according to your needs during the development process.

For more information about this dialog box, see Project Settings Dialog Box.

If you cannot view the entirety of a setting name, value, or description in the dialog box, you can resize the panes to display the complete text. When you hover the cursor over a setting value that is not completely visible, Platform Builder displays a tooltip containing the entire value.

The following table shows names and descriptions of the options available on this tab.

Setting Description
Additional Macro Definitions Specifies additional macro definitions to add to C/C++ compiler commands by using the compiler syntax for specifying macro definitions from a command prompt.
Compile for XScale Sets the command-line switch for the compiler to target XScale processors.
DLL Contains Resources Only Specifies that a dynamic-link library (.dll) file contains only resources, which reduces the file size by removing debugging information that is not needed.
DLL Entry Point Specifies the initial entry point for dynamic-link library (.dll) files. By default, the initial entry point is _DllMainCRTStartup.
Exception Handling Specifies whether to use C++ structured exception handling (SEH) and how to handle C exceptions.
Executable Entry Point Specifies the initial entry point for executable files. By default, the initial entry point is WinMainCRTStartup.
External C Exceptions Specifies the exception settings for external C code.
Generate Browse Information Specifies whether browse information is generated. This enables you to view definitions and references to identifiers in the selected project.
Include Directories Specifies additional directories that contain header files by listing directory names that do not contain spaces, separated by a semicolon.

Do not include a trailing semicolon.

Optimization Preference Specifies whether code is optimized for faster performance or smaller size.
Precompiled Files Specifies whether to treat precompiled files as C++ code files. The default setting is No, and is based on the extension of the PRECOMPILED_INCLUDE file name.
  • When set to No, PRECOMPILED_INCLUDE files that use .c and .h extensions are treated as C files and are used only when compiling files with a .c extension.

    PRECOMPILED_INCLUDE files that use a .cpp, .hpp, .cxx or .hxx extension are treated as C++ files, and are used only when compiling C++ files.

  • When set to Yes, PRECOMPILED_CXX causes the precompiled files to be treated as C++ files, regardless of the extension of the PRECOMPILED_INCLUDE file name.
Precompiled Header File Name Specifies the name of the precompiled header file that is created, using the .pch file type extension.
Precompiled Header Object File Name Specifies the name of the precompiled header object file that is created, using the .obj file extension.
Precompiled Header Options Specifies the command-line options for the compiler when compiling precompiled header files. Overrides all other settings.
Precompiled Header Source File Name Specifies a file name for the precompiled header source file.
Security Checks Specifies that the -gs compiler flag is turned on and enables stack security checks.

See Also

Build Process Customization | Project Settings Dialog Box

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