
Credential Manager Error Codes (Windows CE 5.0)

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The following table shows the possible error codes for all the credential manager functions.

Value Description
ERROR_CREDMAN_ALL_FAILED All primitive operations as part of virtual operation failed.
ERROR_CREDMAN_SOME_FAILED Some primitive operation as part of virtual operation failed.
ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Some parameter is invalid.
ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_ACTIVE Credman service is not running.
ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY No memory available.
ERROR_NO_MATCH Inputs don't match.
ERROR_NOT_FOUND Unable to find resource(cred).
ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS Resource(cred) already exists.
ERROR_TRUST_FAILURE Insufficient trust to perform operation.
ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR Internal credman operation error.
ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED Operation is not supported.
ERROR_MORE_DATA More data is available.

See Also

Credential Manager Functions | Credential Manager Reference | Credential Manager

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