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This structure contains information identifying the adapter.

typedef struct _D3DMADAPTER_IDENTIFIER {  TCHAR         Driver[MAX_DEVICE_IDENTIFIER_STRING];  TCHAR         Description[MAX_DEVICE_IDENTIFIER_STRING];  LARGE_INTEGER DriverVersion;  ULONG         VendorId;  ULONG         DeviceId;  ULONG         SubSysId;  ULONG         Revision;  GUID          DeviceIdentifier;} D3DMADAPTER_IDENTIFIER;


  • Driver
    A TCHAR string that contains the name of the driver to present to the user. This should not be used to identify a particular driver because many different strings may be associated with the same device and driver from different vendors. The length of this string is MAX_DEVICE_IDENTIFIER_STRING.

  • Description
    A TCHAR string that contains a description of the driver to present to the user. This should not be used to identify a particular driver because many different strings may be associated with the same device and driver from different vendors. The length of this string is MAX_DEVICE_IDENTIFIER_STRING.

  • DriverVersion
    A LARGE_INTEGER value that identifies the version of the Microsoft® Direct3D Mobile® driver. It is legal to do < and > comparisons on the 64-bit signed integer value. However, exercise caution if you use this element to identify problematic drivers. Instead, you should use the DeviceIdentifier member.

    The following pseudocode example illustrates the version format encoded in this member.

    Product = HIWORD(DriverVersion.HighPart)
    Version = LOWORD(DriverVersion.HighPart)
    SubVersion = HIWORD(DriverVersion.LowPart)
    Build = LOWORD(DriverVersion.LowPart)

    See the Microsoft Platform Software Development Kit (SDK) for more information on the HIWORD macro, the LOWORD macro, and the LARGE_INTEGER structure.

  • VendorId
    A ULONG value that helps identify a particular chip set. Query this member to identify the manufacturer. The value may be zero if unknown.

  • DeviceId
    A ULONG value that helps identify a particular chip set. Query this member to identify the type of chip set. The value may be zero if unknown.

  • SubSysId
    A ULONG value that helps identify a particular chip set. Query this member to identify the subsystem, typically the particular board. The value may be zero if unknown.

  • Revision
    A ULONG value that helps identify a particular chip set. Query this member to identify the revision level of the chip set. The value may be zero if unknown.

  • DeviceIdentifier
    A GUID that uniquely identifies for the driver and chip set pair. Query this member to track changes to the driver and chip set in order to generate a new profile for the graphics subsystem. DeviceIdentifier can also be used to identify particular problematic drivers.


The VendorId, DeviceId, SubSysId, and Revision members can be used in tandem to identify particular chip sets. However, use these members with caution because they can be used and interpreted by different hardware manufacturers.


OS Versions: Windows CE 5.0 and later.
Header: D3dmtypes.h.

See Also

Direct3D Mobile Structures

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