
Error Report Generator Reference (Windows CE 5.0)

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This language reference section contains descriptions of Error Report Generator programming elements.

In This Section

  • Error Report Functions
    Provides detailed reference information about the functions used to capture error reports.
  • Dump File Structures
    Provides detailed reference information about the data structures used to describe error stream information and mini-dumps.
  • Error Report Generator Enumerations
    Provides detailed reference information about the enumerations that specify the values used in dump file structures and error reporting functions.
  • Error Report Generator
    Provides overview and build information about the Error Report Generator.
  • Environment Variables
    Contains information about setting environment variables used by Error Reporting.
  • Kernel Reference
    Provides reference information about the kernel APIs used by Error Reporting.
  • Exception Reference
    Provides reference information about the exception handling APIs used by Error Reporting.

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