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This structure contains information about the exception that caused the dump file to be generated.

typedef struct _CEDUMP_EXCEPTION_STREAM {  USHORT SizeOfHeader;  USHORTSizeOfException;  USHORTSizeOfThreadContext;  USHORTFlags;  ULONG32CurrentProcessId;  ULONG32ThreadId;ULONG32OwnerProcessId;ULONG32 CaptureAPICurrentProcessId;ULONG32 CaptureAPIThreadId;ULONG32 CaptureAPIOwnerProcessId;} CEDUMP_EXCEPTION_STREAM, *PCEDUMP_EXCEPTION_STREAM;


  • SizeOfHeader
    Size of this structure.

  • SizeOfException
    Size of exception structure, _CEDUMP_EXCEPTION.

  • SizeOfThreadContext
    Size of thread context list, _CEDUMP_ELEMENT_LIST.

  • Flags
    Characteristics of exception.

    The following table shows the characteristic described by each bit of this flag.

    Bit Description
    Bit 0 Indicates this is a first chance exception dump.
    Bit 1 Indicates CaptureDumpFileOnDevice called.
    Bit 2 Indicates ReportFault called.
    Bit3 Indicates exception thread ID matches dump thread.
  • CurrentProcessId
    Identifier for the current process of ThreadId.

  • ThreadId
    Identifier of thread where exception occurred, or focus of CaptureDumpFileOnDevice.

  • OwnerProcessId
    Identifier for the owner process of ThreadId.

  • CaptureAPICurrentProcessId
    Identifier for the current process of CaptureAPIThreadId.

  • CaptureAPIThreadId
    Identifier of the thread that made the call to CaptureDumpFileOnDevice.

  • CaptureAPIOwnerProcessId
    Identifier for the owner process of CaptureAPIThreadId.


This structure is used to define the ceStreamException stream.

The exception information stream must be followed by the exception record (_CEDUMP_EXCEPTION, and by the context of the thread _CEDUMP_ELEMENT_LIST.

Additional thread info structures can follow in (n * _CEDUMP_FIELD_INFO).


OS Versions: Windows CE 5.0 and later.
Header: DwCeDump.h.
Link Library: none.

See Also

Dump File Structures | Dump File Format

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